New Article on Dynamic Capabilities Accepted for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Together with three international colleagues, Dr. Dennis Steininger worked on an article about digitalization and dynamic capabilities from the end of 2016. This manuscript has now been accepted for publication in the renowned "Journal of the Association for Information Systems".
About the article: In their work, the authors show how digital factors, in interaction with Dynamic Capabilities, create impacts on different levels, for example the organizational level.
Reference: Steininger, D. M., Mikalef, P., Pateli, A. G., & Ortiz de Guinea, A. 2021. Dynamic Capabilities in Information Systems Research: A Critical Review, Synthesis of Current Knowledge, and Recommendations for Future Research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, forthcoming.
The full text can be found on Researchgate.
About the journal: The Journal of the Association for Information Systems is one of the world's leading journals in the research field of digitalization. It is ranked by the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB JOURQUAL3) with an A rating. The journal's ISI Impact Factor for 2020 is 5.149.