
An Integrated Modeling Approach for Day-Before Planning in Two-Tier Multi-Modal City Logistics with Satellite Synchronization |
Lange, Julia; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Gschwind, Timo; Rei, Walter |
Technical Report CIRRELT-2025-01, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et les transports, Montréal, 2025. |
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Exact Algorithms for Routing Electric Autonomous Mobile Robots in Intralogistics |
Meyer, Anne; Gschwind, Timo; Amberg, Boris; Colling, Dominik |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 323(3), 2025. (Open Access ) |
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Partial Dominance in Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with a Single-Segment Tradeoff |
Faldum, Stefan; Machate, Sarah; Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan |
Technical Report LM-2024-01, Chair of Logistics Management, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, 2024. In: OR Spectrum 46(4), 2024. ( |
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A Unified Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Multicompartment Pickup and Delivery Problems |
Aerts-Veenstra, Marjolein; Cherkesly, Marilène; Gschwind, Timo |
Les Cahiers du GERAD, G-2023-26. In: Transportation Science 58(5), 2024. |
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Scheduling Heating tasks on parallel Furnaces with setup times and conflicts |
Lange, Julia; Fath, Philipp; Sayah, David |
In: Operations Research Proceedings 2021, 2022. |
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Resource-Window Reduction by Reduced Costs in Path-based Formulations for Routing and Scheduling Problems |
Bianchessi, Nicola; Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan |
Technical Report LM-2022-05, Chair of Logistics Management, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, 2022. In: INFORMS Journal on Computing 36(1), 2024. |
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Branch-Price-and-Cut-Based Solution of Order Batching Problems |
Wahlen, Julia; Gschwind, Timo |
Technical Report L-2022-01, Chair of Logistics, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2022. In: Transportation Science 57(3), 2023. |
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In-depth analysis of granular local search for capacitated vehicle routing |
Schröder, Christian; Schneider, Michael; Gauthier, Jean Bertand; Gschwind, Timo |
Working Paper DPO, 02/2020 In: Discrete Applied Mathematics 329, 2023. |
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The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, Multiple Stacks, and Handling Operations |
Gschwind, Timo; Cherkesly, Marilène |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 301(2), 2022. |
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Variable Fixing for Two-Arc Sequences in Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms on Path-Based Models |
Desaulniers, Guy; Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2020) |
In: Transportation Science 54 (5), 2020. |

A Branch-and-Price Framework for Decomposing Graphs into Relaxed Cliques |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan; Furini, Fabio; Calvo, Roberto Wolfler (2020) |
In: INFORMS Journal on Computing 54 (5), 2020. |
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Branch-cut-and-price for scheduling deliveries with time windows in a direct shipping network |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan; Tilk, Christian; Emde, Simon (2020) |
In: Journal of Scheduling 23(3), 2020. |
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Upper and lower bounds for the vehicle-routing problem with private fleet and common carrier |
Goeke, Dominik; Gschwind, Timo; Schneider, Michael (2019) |
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics (264), 2019. |
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Route feasibility testing and forward time slack for the Synchronized Pickup and Delivery Problems |
Gschwind, Timo (2019) |
In: OR Spectrum 41(2), 2019. |
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Stabilized branch-price-and-cut for the commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem |
Gschwind, Timo; Bianchessi, Nicola; Irnich, Stefan (2019) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 278 (1), 2019. |
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Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search with a Constant-Time Feasibility Test for the Dial-a-Ride Problem |
Gschwind, Timo; Drexl, Michael (2019) |
In: Transportation Science 53 (2), 2019. |
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Solution Tecniques for the Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Tardiness Minimization |
Julia Lange (2019) |
In: Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2019. |
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On Neighborhood Structures and Repair Techniques for Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problems |
Lange, Julia; Werner, Frank (2019) |
In: Algorithms 12 (11), 2019. |
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Maximum weight relaxed cliques and Russian Doll Search revisited |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan; Podlinski, Isabel (2018) |
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics 234, 2018. |
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Bidirectional labeling in column-generation algorithms for pickup-and-delivery problems |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan; Rothenbächer, Ann-Kathrin; Tilk, Christian (2018) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2), 2018. |
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Stabilized branch-and-price algorithms for vector packing problems |
Heßler, Katrin; Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2018) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 271 (2), 2018. |
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Stabilized column generation for the temporal knapsack problem using dual-optimal inequalities |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2017) |
In: OR Spectrum 39 (2), 2017. |
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Asymmetry matters: Dynamic half-way points in bidirectional labeling for solving shortest path problems with resource constraints faster |
Tilk, Christian; Rothenbächer, Ann-Kathrin; Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2017) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 261 (2), 2017. |
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Dual Inequalities for Stabilized Column Generation Revisited |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2016) |
In: INFORMS Journal on Computing 28 (1), 2016. |
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A comparison of column-generation approaches to the Synchronized Pickup and Delivery Problem |
Gschwind, Timo (2015) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 247 (1), 2015. |
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Effective Handling of Dynamic Time Windows and Its Application to Solving the Dial-a-Ride Problem |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2015) |
In: Transportation Science 49 (2), 2015. |
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A note on symmetry reduction for circular traveling tournament problems |
Gschwind, Timo; Irnich, Stefan (2011) |
In: European Journal of Operational Research 210 (2), 2011. |
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Manufacturing capacity planning and the value of multi-stage stochastic programming under Markovian demand |
Stephan, Holger A.; Gschwind, Timo; Minner, Stefan (2010) |
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 22 (3-4), 2010. |
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