Dr. Julia Lange
Research Assistant (PostDoc)
- Planning Multi-tier City Logistics Systems
- Optimizing Material Flows in Intralogistics with Sequencing Decisions
- Scheduling Complex Production Environments

Lecturer at OvG Business School Magdeburg courses: Logistics, Production Management | since 06/2022
Research Assistant at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Chair of Logistics, Prof. Dr. Timo Gschwind | since 01/2021
Postdoctoral Researcher at Université du Quebec à Montréal and CIRRELT, Canada collaborators: Teodor Crainic and Walter Rei | 10/2022 - 09/2023
Research Scientist at Research Center for Information Technology (FZI) Karlsruhe Logistics Systems Engineering Group | 05/2019 - 12/2020
Doctoral Student and Tutor at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg supervisor: Frank Werner | 10/2012 - 04/2019
Lecturer at Hochschule Harz (University of Applied Science), Wernigerode courses: OR I (Linear Optimization), OR II (Combinatorial Optimization) | 08/2017 - 06/2018
Selected among Young Women 4 OR 2021/22 by EURO Wisdom Forum
('Women in Society: Doing Operational Research and Management Science' Forum of the Association of European Operational Research Societies)
Travel Grant by BMBF Professorinnenprogramm II via Bureau of Gender Equality, OvGU
Research stay in March 2019: University of Fribourg, Department of Informatics, Decision Support and Operations Research Group, Fribourg (Switzerland)
Hosts: Reinhard Bürgy, Marino Widmer, Bernard Ries
Travel Grant by BMBF Professorinnenprogramm II via Bureau of Gender Equality, OvGU
Research stay in March 2018: GERAD (Group for Research in Decision Analysis), Montréal (Canada)
Hosts: Reinhard Bürgy, Guy Desaulniers
Thume, M., Lange, J., Unkel, M., Prange, A. and Schürmeyer, M. (2022). Blockchain-based traceability in food supply chains: requirements and challenges, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 8(3), 219 - 241. (Link)
Lange, J., Fath, P. and Sayah, D. (2022). Scheduling Heating Tasks on Parallel Furnaces with Setup Times and Conflicts, Operation Research Proceedings 2021. 347 - 352. (Link)
Lange, J. and Werner, F. (2019). On Neighborhood Structures and Repair Techniques for Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problems, Algorithms, 12(11), 242. (Link)
Lange, J. and Werner, F. (2018). Approaches to modeling train scheduling problems as job-shop problems with blocking constraints, Journal of Scheduling, 21(2), 191 - 207. (Link)
Lange, J. and Gschwind, T. (2024). Scheduling Direct Deliveries in Make-to-Order Manufacturing with Intermediate Storage, in Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, PMS 2024, 85 - 88.
Lange, J. and Werner, F. (2019). A permutation-based heuristic method for the blocking job shop scheduling problem, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1403 - 1408. (Link)
Lange, J. and Bürgy, R. (2019). Mixed-Integer Programming Heuristics for the Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problem in Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, MAPSP 2019, 58 - 60.
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