06. Juli 2021 New Partner University UC Santa Barbara Extension New University Partnership with UC Santa Barbara Extension UCSB is recognised around the globe for its scholarship and research impact. The… Weiterlesen
24. Juni 2021 Restplätze SS22 Restplätze: Sommersemester 22 Anbei finden sie die Liste der Restplätze für Auslandsemester im Sommersemester 22 Weiterlesen
22. Juni 2021 Staying abroad remains uncertain Staying abroad remains uncertain! Due to the Covid-19 it is now uncertain for staying abroad, especially for the students who would like to… Weiterlesen
14. Juni 2021 Apply NOW for the DAAD program PROMOS Apply NOW for the DAAD program PROMOS! The DAAD program PROMOS supports students at German universities financially during short term stays in… Weiterlesen
04. Juni 2021 Apply for the remaining places of ERASMUS for SS2022! Call for the application of ERASMUS for summer semester 2022! As in the last news mentioned that in the future the application (only ERASMUS)… Weiterlesen
26. Mai 2021 Adjustment about the future application for ERASMUS Application for ERASMUS in the future In the future the application (only ERASMUS) will be entirely proceeded by ISGS through Mobility… Weiterlesen