Moeini, Mahdi:
Orthogonal Bandit Learning for Portfolio Selection under Cardinality Constraint
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer), Vol. 11621, pp. 232-248, 2019.Moeini, Mahdi; Salewski, Hagen:
A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Truck-Drone-ATV Routing Problem
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer), Vol. 991, pp. 1023-1032, 2019.Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
The Traveling Salesman Drone Station Location Problem
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer), Vol. 991, pp. 1129-1138, 2019.- Schermer, Daniel:
Integration of Drones in Last-Mile Delivery: The Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones
Operations Research Proceedings 2018 (Springer), pp. 17-22, 2019.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Caspar, Marvin; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
Formulations for the Split Delivery Capacitated Profitable Tour Problem
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. - Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver; Schummer, Marius:
A Bi-objective Routing Problem with Trucks and Drones: Minimizing Mission Time and Energy Consumption
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14106, pp. 291–308, 2023.
Journal Papers
- Kloster, Konstantin; Moeini, Mahdi; Vigo, Daniele; Wendt, Oliver:
The multiple traveling salesman problem in presence of drone- and robot-supported packet stations
Accepted to appear in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2022.
Technical Reports
- Schummer, Marius; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
An investigation on the single- and bi-objective vehicle routing problem with drones: a simulated annealing approach
Technical Report, Business Information Systems and Operations Research, TU Kaiserslautern, 25 pages, 2021. - Kloster, Konstantin; Moeini, Mahdi; Vigo, Daniele; Wendt, Oliver:
The vehicle routing problem in presence of drone- and robot-supported packet stations
Technical Report, Business Information Systems and Operations Research, TU Kaiserslautern, 34 pages, 2021.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Moeini, Mahdi; Mees, Lukas:
Automated Tour Planning for Driving Service of Children with Disabilities
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13004, pp. 456–470, 2021.
Journal Papers
- Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A branch‐and‐cut approach and alternative formulations for the traveling salesman problem with drone
Networks, Vol. 76(2), pp. 164-186, 2020.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
The Drone-Assisted Traveling Salesman Problem with Robot Stations
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 1308-1317, 2020.
Journal Papers
Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A Matheuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones and its Variants
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies; Vol. 106; pp. 166-204, 2019.Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A Hybrid VNS/Tabu Search Algorithm for Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones and En Route Operations
Computers & Operations Research; Vol. 109; pp. 134-158; 2019.Moeini, Mahdi:
Solving the index tracking problem: a continuous optimization approach
Central European Journal of Operations Research; Vol. 30; pp. 807-835.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Moeini, Mahdi; Goerzen, David; Wendt, Oliver:
A Local Search Heuristic for Solving the Maximum Dispersion Problem
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 10751, pp. 362–371, 2018.
- Salewski, Hagen:
Auftragsorientierte Produktionsprogrammplanung
Handbuch Produktions- und Logistikmanagement in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken, pp. 230-245, 2018.
- Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
Algorithms for Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 10751, pp. 352–361, 2018.
Presentations at International and National Conferences
- Becker, Ferdinand; Salewski, Hagen; Corsten, Hans:
Planning Cross-docking Operations - Integrating Truck and Workforce Scheduling
29th European Conference on Operational Research, page 137, 8-11 July 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- Moeini, Mahdi:
A Computational Study on the Maximum Dispersion Problem
29th European Conference on Operational Research, page 111, July 8-11, 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- Salewski, Hagen; Goeke, Dominik:
Using Mobile Electric Platforms for Droid- or Drone-based Last Mile Deliveries
29th European Conference on Operational Research, page 285, 8-11 July 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- Schermer, Daniel; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones: A Computational Study
29th European Conference on Operational Research, page 283, July 8-11, 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- Schermer, Daniel:
Integration of Drones in Last-mile Delivery: The Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones
OR2018: International Conference on Operations Research, September 12-14, 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
Journal Papers
- Goeke, Dominik; Moeini, Mahdi; Poganiuch:
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Maximum Ratio Clique Problem
Computers & Operations Research; Vol. 87; pp. 283 - 291; 2017.
- Hopf, Michael; Thielen, Clemens; Wendt, Oliver:
Competitive algorithms for multistage online scheduling
European Journal of Operational Research; 260(2); pp. 468 - 481; 2017.
- Hof, Julian; Schneider, Michael; Goeke, Dominik:
Solving the battery swap station location-routing problem with capacitated electric vehicles using an AVNS algorithm for vehicle-routing problems with intermediate stops
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological; 97; pp. 102 - 112; 2017.
- Ernestus, Maximilian; Friedrichs, Stephan; Hemmer, Michael; Kokemüller, Jan; Kröller, Alexander; Moeini, Mahdi; Schmidt, Christiane:
Algorithms for Art Gallery Illumination
Journal of Global Optimization (Springer); Volume 68; Issue 1; pp. 23 - 45; 2017.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Moeini, Mahdi; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach for Solving the Traveling Thief Problem
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer); Vol. 10405; pp. 652 - 668; 2017.
- Krumrey, Linus; Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A Cash-Flow-Based Optimization Model for Corporate Cash Management: A Monte-Carlo Simulation Approach
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer); Vol. 629; pp. 34 - 46; 2017.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A Heuristic for Solving the Maximum Dispersion Problem
Operations Research Proceedings (Springer); pp. 405 - 410; 2017.
Presentations at International and National Conferences
- Moeini, Mahdi; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
An Evolutionary Approach for the Traveling Thief Problem
The OR2017 Conference – the annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), September 6-8, 2017, Berlin, Germany.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
Mobile Guards to Oversee an Art Gallery
18ème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), February 2017, Metz, France.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Goeke, Dominik; Poganiuch, David:
A Heuristic for Solving the Maximum Ratio Clique Problem
18ème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), February 2017, Metz, France.
Journal Papers
- Karimi, Balal; Khorram, Esmaile; Moeini, Mahdi:
Identification of Congestion by Means of Integer-Valued Data Envelopment Analysis
Computers & Industrial Engineering (Elsevier); Vol. 98; pp. 513 - 521; 2016.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Moeini, Mahdi; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
Swarm of Agents for Guarding an Art Gallery: A Computational Study
Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2016); pp. 1 - 8; 2016.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver; Krumrey, Linus:
Portfolio Optimization by Means of a χ-Armed Bandit Algorithm
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Springer); Vol. 9622; pp. 620 - 629; 2016.
Presentations at International and National Conferences
- Moeini, Mahdi; Wendt, Oliver:
A VNS Approach for Solving the Maximum Dispersion Problem
International Conference on Operations Research - Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR 2016), Aug 30 - Sep 2 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Schermer, Daniel; Wendt, Oliver:
An Algorithm for Deploying Robotic Agents Inside a Non-convex Polygon
28th European Conference on Operational Research, p. 256, July 3-6 2016, Poznan, Poland.
Journal Papers
- Moeini, Mahdi; Jemai; Zied; Sahin, Evren:
Location and Relocation Problems in the Context of the Emergency Medical Service Systems: A Case Study
Central European Journal of Operations Research (Springer), 23(3), pp. 641 - 658; 2015.
- Goeke, Dominik; Schneider, Michael:
Routing a mixed fleet of electric and conventional vehicles
European Journal of Operational Research (forthcoming); 2015.
- Schneider, Michael; Stenger, Andreas; Hof, Julian:
An Adaptive VNS Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problems with Intermediate Stops
OR Spectrum 37(2), pp. 353 - 387; 2015.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Moeini, Mahdi:
Maximum Ratio Clique Problem: A Continuous Optimization Approach and Some New Results
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer-Verlag); Vol. 359; pp. 215 - 227; 2015.
- Gueye, Serigne; Michel, Sophie; Moeini, Mahdi: Adjacency Variables Formulation For the Minimum Linear Arrangement Problem
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS): Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (Springer-Verlag); Vol. 509; pp. 95-107; 2015.
- Moeini, Mahdi; Karimi, Balal; Khorram, Esmaile: A Cross-Efficiency Approach for Evaluating Decision Making Units in Presence of Undesirable Outputs
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer-Verlag); Vol. 360; pp. 487 - 498; 2015.
Presentations at International and National Conferences
- Moeini, Mahdi; Kröller, Alexander; Schmidt, Christiane; Hemmer, Michael; Ernestus, Maximilian; Friedrichs, Stephan; Kokemüller, Jan:
Le problème d'Eclairage de la Galerie d'Art
16ème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Marseille (France), February 2015.
(Extended Abstract (French)); (arXiv version (English))
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Wendt, Oliver; Goeke, Dominik:
Revenue Management für Tourenplanungsprobleme
In: Gössinger, R.; Zäpfel, G. (eds.) Management integrativer Leistungserstellung: Festschrift für Hans Corsten, Betriebswirtschaftliche Schriften, Band 168,
pp. 455 - 485; Berlin (Duncker & Humblot) 2014.
Journal Papers
- Schneider, Michael; Grahl, Jörn; Francas, David; Vigo, Daniele:
A problem-adjusted genetic algorithm for flexibility design
International Journal of Production Economics; 141(1); pp. 56 - 65; 2013.
- Schneider, Michael; Sand, Bastian; Stenger, Andreas:
A Note on the Time Travel Approach for Handling Time Windows in Vehicle Routing Problems
Computers & Operations Research; 40(10); pp. 2564 - 2568; 2013.
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Goeke, Dominik:
The Prize-Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem with Single and Multiple Depots and Non-Linear Cost
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics; 2(1-2); pp. 57 - 87; 2013.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Hu, Yike; Wendt, Oliver; Keßler, Alexander:
Agent-based Cooperative Optimization of Integrated Production and Distribution Planning
In: Hu, B.; Morasch, K.; Pickl, S.; Siegle, M. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2010, pp. 213-218; Berlin (Springer) 2011.
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Wendt, Oliver:
Towards an IT-based Planning Process Alignment: Integrated Route and Location Planning For Small Package Shippers
In: Heinzl, A., Buxmann, P., Wendt, O., Weitzel, T. (eds.) Theory-Guided Modeling and Empiricism in Information Systems Research; Heidelberg (Physica-Verlag) 2011.
- Grahl, Jörn; Sand, Bastian; Schneider, Michael; Schwind, Michael:
Publication Network Analysis of an Academic Family in Information Systems
In: Heinzl, A., Buxmann, P., Wendt, O., Weitzel, T. (eds.) Theory-Guided Modeling and Empiricism in Information Systems Research; Heidelberg (Physica-Verlag) 2011.
- Sand, Bastian; Schneider, Michael; Wendt, Oliver; Schwind, Michael:
Dezentrale Allokation von Transportaufträgen: Reduktion des "Price of Anarchy" durch Lernende Agenten
In: Corsten, H., Gössinger, R. (eds.) Dezentrale Koordination ökonomischer Aktivitäten; Berlin (Erich Schmidt Verlag) 2011.
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Wendt, Oliver:
Towards an IT-based Planning Process Alignment: Integrated Route and Location Planning For Small Package Shippers
Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit, USA; 2011.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Doppstadt, Christian; Schneider, Michael; Stenger, Andreas; Sand, Bastian; Vigo, Daniele; Schwind, Michael:
Graph Sparsification for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
In: Hu, B., Morasch, K., Pickl, S., Siegle, M. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2010; Heidelberg (Springer).
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Schwind, Michael:
Location routing for small package shippers with subcontracting options
In: Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria; 2010.
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Schwind, Michael:
Decision Support for Location Routing with Relocation Aspects
In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010, Göttingen.
- Schwind, Michael; Schenk, Andreas; Schneider, Michael:
A Tool for the Analysis of Social Networks in Collaborative Software Development
In: Proceedings of HICSS 2010, Lihue, Hawaii.
Presentations at International and National Conferences
- Schneider, Michael; Doppstadt, Christian; Stenger, Andreas; Schwind, Michael:
Ant Colony Optimization for a Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Driver Learning
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
- Schneider, Michael, Doppstadt, Christian; Sand, Bastian; Stenger, Andreas; Schwind, Michael:
A Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Driver Familiarity
Tristan 2010, Tromsø, Norway.
Technical Reports
- Stenger, Andreas; Schneider, Michael; Schwind, Michael:
A combined simulated annealing and variable neighborhood search heuristic for a location routing problem with subcontracting option
Tech. Report 01/2010, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Information Systems, Chair of IT-based Logistics, Frankfurt, Germany; 2010.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Wendt, Oliver:
Stichwort in Corsten, H.; Gössinger R. (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre; München (Oldenbourg) 2008.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Stichwort in Corsten, H.; Gössinger R. (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre; München (Oldenbourg) 2008.
- Wendt, Oliver
Nachhaltigkeit und Individualverkehr - Kann Telematik den Widerspruch auflösen?
In: von Hauff, M.; Lingnau, V.; Zink, K.-J. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften; Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2008.
- Wendt, Oliver:
In: Corsten, H.; Reiß M. (Hrsg.): Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Band II; München/Wien (Oldenbourg) 2008.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Stichwort in Kurbel, K. et al. (Hrsg.): Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik; Online-Lexikon; München/Wien (Oldenbourg) 2008.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Reinforcement Learning
Stichwort in Kurbel, K. et al. (Hrsg.): Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik; Online-Lexikon; München/Wien (Oldenbourg) 2008.
- Hu, Yike; Schwind, Michael; Wendt, Oliver:
An Agent-based Cooperative Mechanism for Integrated Production and Transportation Planning
Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2008); Suzhou, China.
- Schwind, Michael; Wegmann, Christian; Wendt, Oliver:
Unveiling Collaboration Structures in Software Development Projects
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008); Galway, Ireland.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Schwind, Michael; Hinz, Oliver; Beck, Roman:
A Cost-based Multi-Resource Auction for Service-oriented Grid Computing
In: 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2007); Austin, Texas.
- Hein, Oliver; Schwind, Michael; Spiwoks, Markus:
Network Centrality and Stock Market Volatility: The Impact of Communication Topologies on Prices
In: Econophysics Colloquium and Beyond; Ancona, Italy.
- Gujo, Oleg; Schwind, Michael; Vykoukal, Jens; Wendt, Oliver:
Mehrrundige Kombinatorische Auktionen beim innerbetrieblichen Austausch von Logistikdienstleistungen
In: Workshop auf der 37. Jahrestagung der GI: Kollaboration in der Transportlogistik; Bremen.
- Gujo, Oleg; Schwind, Michael; Vykoukal, Jens:
The Design of Incentives in a Combinatorial Exchange for Intra-Enterprise Logistic Services
In: IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'07) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE '07); Tokyo, Japan.
- Gujo, Oleg; Schwind, Michael:
ComEx: Combinatorial Auctions for the Intra-Enterprise Exchange of Logistics Services
In: 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems; Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
- Schwind, Michael; Stockheim, Tim; Gujo, Oleg:
Agents’ Bidding Strategies in a Combinatorial Auction Controlled Grid Environment
In: Proceedings of the AAMAS 2006 Trading Agent Design and Analysis / Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce Joint Workshop; Hakodate, LNAI 4452; Springer, Heidelberg.
- Gujo, Oleg; Schwind, Michael; Stockheim, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; Vykoukal, Jens; Weiß, Kilian:
ComEx: Kombinatorische Auktionen zum innerbetrieblichen Austausch von Logistikdienstleistungen
In: 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik ; Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Lanninger, Volker; Stockheim, Tim; Wendt, Oliver:
Prozessverantwortung und Dokumentation als Determinanten der Effizienz und Qualität der Transportplanung: Ein Modell auf Basis einer empirischen Untersuchung unter 1000 deutschen Unternehmen
In: 8. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik; Karlsruhe, Germany, 2007.
- Schwind, Michael:
Dynamic Pricing and Automated Resource Allocation for Information Services
In: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Vol 589, Springer, XII, 291 p., Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-68002-4; Heidelberg, 2007.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Stockheim, Tim; Schwind, Michael; Gujo, Oleg:
Agents' Bidding Strategies in a Combinatorial Auction
In: Proceedings of the fourth German conference on Multi-Agent system TEchnologieS (MATES); Erfurt, Germany; LNAI 4196, Springer, Heidelberg ISBN 3-540-45376-8, 2006.
- Malinowski, Jochen; Keim, Tobias; Wendt, Oliver:
Matching People and Jobs: A Bilateral Recommendation Approach
In: Proceedings of the 39th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-39) 2006.
- Wendt, Oliver; König, Wolfgang; Stockheim, Tim; Lanninger, Volker; Weiß, Kilian:
Transportplanung der Zukunft - Prozess- und Kostenanalyse, Optimierungspotenziale und Outsourcing
In: Books on Demand, ISBN 3-8334-5215-3; Norderstedt, Germany, 2006.
- Stockheim, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; König, Wolfgang:
Trust-based Distributed Supply-Web Negotiations
In: S. Kirn, O. Herzog, P.C. Lockemann, O. Spaniol (Eds.): Multiagent Engineering Theory and Applications in Enterprises; Springer Verlag, Series: International Handbooks on Information Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
- Weitzel, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; Beimborn, Daniel; König, Wolfgang:
Network Effects and Diffusion Theory - Extending Economic Network Analysis
In: Jakobs, K. (ed.): Advanced Topics in Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research, Volume 1; Hershey, PA, ISBN 159140939-X, 2006.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Schwind, Michael:
Design of Combinatorial Auctions for Allocation and Procurement Processes
In: 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology; München, 2005.
- Stockheim, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; Schwind, Michael:
A Trust-based Negotiation Mechanism for Decentralized Economic Scheduling
In: Proceedings of the 38th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38) 2005.
- Keim, Tobias; Malinowski, Jochen; Heinrich, Gregor; Wendt, Oliver:
Personalizing the Search for Persons: A Recommender-based Approach
In: The First International Workshop on Web Personalization, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces; Reading, UK, 2005.
- Malinowski, Jochen; Keim, Tobias; Weitzel, Tim; Wendt, Oliver:
Decision Support for Team Building: Incorporating Trust into a Recommender-Based Approach
In: The Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems; Bangkok, Thailand, 2005.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Schwind, Michael; Stockheim, Tim; Rothlauf, Franz:
Optimization Heuristics for the Combinatorial Auction Problem
In: Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2003, pp. 1588-1595; Canberra, Australia, 2003.
- Schwind, Michael; Stockheim, Tim; Seibel, Stefan:
Price Controlled Resource Allocation For The Provision Of Information Products And Services Employing Combinatorial Auctions
In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Naples, Italy, 2003.
- Stockheim, Tim; Schwind, Michael; König, Wolfgang:
A Model for Emergence and Diffusion of Software Standards
In: Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36); Hawaii, USA, 2003.
- Weitzel, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; König, Wolfgang:
Towards an Interdisciplinary Theory of Networks
In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Naples, Italy, 2003.
- Färber, Frank; Keim, Tobias; Wendt, Oliver; Weitzel, Tim:
A Model-based Approach to Recommending Partners
In: Proceedings of the 6. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003 (WI 2003); Dresden.
- König, Wolfgang; Rommelfanger, Heinrich; Ohse, Dietrich; Wendt, Oliver; Hofmann, Markus; Schwind, Michael; Schäfer, Klaus; Kuhnle, Helmut; Pfeifer, Andreas:
Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik (2. Auflage)
1030 Seiten, Verlag Harri Deutsch; Frankfurt am Main, Thun, 2003.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Stockheim, Tim; Schwind, Michael; Wendt, Oliver; Grolik, Sven:
Coordination Of Supply Webs Based on Dispositive Protocols
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS); Gdañsk, Poland 2002.
- Schwind, Michael; Wendt, Oliver:
Dynamic Pricing of Information Products based on Reinforcement Learning: A Yield Management Approach
In: Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence Aachen (KI2002); LNAI 2479, S.51-66, Spinger Heidelberg, 2002.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Weitzel, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; von Westarp, Falk:
Modeling Diffusion Processes in Networks
In: Networks - Standardization, Infrastructure, and Applications; Berlin (Springer ) 2001, 3-31.
- von Westarp, Falk; Wendt, Oliver:
Diffusion Follows Structure - A Network Model of the Software Market
In: 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33); Hawaii, USA, 2000.
- Wendt, Oliver; von Westarp, Falk:
Determinants of Diffusion in Network Effect Markets
In: 2000 IRMA International Conference; Anchorage, USA, 2000.
- Wendt, Oliver; von Westarp, Falk; König, Wolfgang:
Pricing in Network Effect Markets
In: 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2000); Wien, Österreich.
- Weitzel, Tim; Wendt, Oliver; von Westarp, Falk:
Reconsidering Network Effect Theory
In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2000), 484-491; Wien, Österreich (best paper nomination).
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Becker, J.; König, Wolfgang; Schütte, Reinhard; Wendt, Oliver; Zelewski, Stephan (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wissenschaftstheorie - Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven
Wiesbaden (Gabler) 1999.
- König, Wolfgang; Rommelfanger, Heinrich; Ohse, Dietrich; Wendt, Oliver; Hofmann, Markus; Schäfer, Klaus; Kuhnle, Helmut; Pfeifer, Andreas (Hrsg.):
Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Frankfurt am Main (Harri Deutsch) 1999.
- Wendt, Oliver; König, Wolfgang:
Entscheidung als Grundpfeiler betrieblichen Handelns
Kapitel 3; in König, W. Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik; Frankfurt am Main (Harri Deutsch) 1999.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Normative Methoden und Verfahren der Entscheidungsfindung
Kapitel 4; in König, W. Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik; Frankfurt am Main (Harri Deutsch) 1999.
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- König, Wolfgang; Wendt, Oliver:
Optimale DV-Unterstützung der Logistik - dargestellt am Anwendungsbeispiel der Luftfrachtkommissionierung
In: Schuh, G.; Weber, H.; Kajüter, P. (Hrsg.): Logistikmanagement; Stuttgart (Schäffer-Poeschel) 1996.
- König, Wolfgang; Wendt, Oliver:
Künstliche Intelligenz
Stichwort in: Kern, W.; Schröder, H.; Weber, J. (Hrsg.): Handwörterbuch der Produktionswirtschaft; 2. Auflage; Stuttgart (Schäffer-Poeschel) 1996.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Stichwort in: Mertens, P. et. al. (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik; Berlin (Springer) 1996.
- Wendt, Oliver:
Heuristische Suchverfahren
Stichwort in: Mertens, P. et. al. (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik; Berlin (Springer) 1996.
- Wendt, Oliver; Rittgen, Peter; König, Wolfgang:
Solving Decision Problems by Distributed Decomposition and Delegation
In König, W. et. al: Distributed Information Systems in Business; Berlin (Springer) 1996.