Bachelor's degree programs

Master's degree programs
Business administration with technical qualification
Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior
Cross-location Kaiserslautern - Landau
Continuing education programs at DISC
- Business Administration and Management
- Sustainable Development Cooperation
- Digital Management (Certificate)

Integrated German-French study program RPTU Kaiserslautern - ENSGI, Nancy
The integrated degree program for industrial engineers in the fields of mechanical engineering and environmental and process engineering offers a wide range of benefits for participants:
- Triple degree and good positioning on the international job market
- Language and intercultural qualification
- Optimal combination of theory and practice
- Close contact with industry (German-French career development forum, industrial mission)
- A high degree of mobility, flexibility and independence

Studying abroad
Internationality is a top priority at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The faculty's International Office is where it all comes together: In addition to planning a stay abroad, those responsible support students in the implementation of their plans and the recognition of all academic achievements abroad.

Offers for students from other departments
The Department of Economics offers courses/modules specifically for students from other departments that have been designed to meet the needs of non-economics students.
PD Dr. Georg Fassott from the Department of Business Administration for students from other departments is responsible for the implementation and organization.
Services offered in other degree programs
Offer for all students of all faculties
Offer as pdf-file

All about exams
Information on examinations in the WiWi department
(Registration and procedures for Bachelor's seminars, Bachelor's/Master's theses, examination dates, forms of examination, two examinations in one examination period, etc.)
The Department for Examination Matters is primarily responsible for questions relating to examination matters: rptu.de/verwaltung/studentisches/abteilungen/pruefungsangelegenheiten
Here you will find information on the essential steps for taking examinations:
![[Translate to Englisch:] Foto (C) Karat e.V. Kaiserslautern](/fileadmin/wiwi.uni-kl.de/AA_Neuer_Webauftritt/Stoerer_Bilder_mittel_613_200/karat.jpg)
All around active
Involvement in student groups and initiatives during your studies is not only fun and allows you to make new friends, but also develops important soft skills such as teamwork and communication skills.
A large number of student groups complement the teaching programme. These range from the planning and implementation of company contact fairs to the organisation of stays abroad and student business consultancy.
AEGEE - European Student Forum
AIESEC - International organisation of economics students
Aktienfieber e.V. - Stock Exchange Association of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern
ATM Consultans e.V. - student management consultancy
bonding - studenteninitiative e.V.
KaRaT- Kaiserslautern Racing Team e.V. of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern
Treffpunkt - The company contact fair
VWI - Association of German Industrial Engineers - University Group KL
Fachschaftsrat - Student representatives and contacts for all aspects of studying
![[Translate to Englisch:] Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash](/fileadmin/wiwi.uni-kl.de/AA_Neuer_Webauftritt/Stoerer_Bilder_mittel_613_200/gluehbirne_613_200.jpg)
All sorts of useful things
RPTU-weite Ressourcen
English certificates
VKB language courses (RPTU Kaiserslautern)
Toefl-VHS test centre Kaiserslautern
Literature databases
EconBiz Virtual Library of Economics
RePEc / EconPapers Research Papers in Economics
Student workstations
During the lecture-free period, the department has made seminar rooms 42-133 and 42-321 available as student workstations.
All rooms labelled as "study rooms" in the KIS are available during the semester and the lecture-free period.

All about award-winning
Study prizes in the School of Business and Economics
As an important instrument for promoting young talent, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, in co-operation with the business community, awards study prizes to students and graduates of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
All about studying from A bis Z
Acquisition of study-related certificates
Training authorization (AdA-certificate)

![[Translate to Englisch:] Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash](/fileadmin/wiwi.uni-kl.de/AA_Neuer_Webauftritt/Stoerer_Bilder_klein_317_135/formulare_317_135.jpg)
Form center
Bachelor internship forms
Forms Internship Master
Master certificate applications
Application for Master's certificate BWL/BWL tQ (alte PO)
Application for Master's certificate BWL/BWL tQ (neue PO 2021)
Application for Master's certificate WI (alte PO)
Application for Master's certificate WI (neue PO 2022)
Various applications
Application for additional benefits (§ 23 PO, n.F.)
Registration for portfolio examination
Application form study project Bachelor WI
Application form research project Master BWL/BWL tQ
Application form research project Master WI
Application for approval to take a repeat examination as part of university cooperation