Information Systems

Prof. Dr. Oliver Wendt
Konstantin Kloster, M.Sc.

WS 2024/25

Please enroll in the KIS by the 20th of October to get access to the OLAT course.


Information Systems I 

Information- and knowledge management 
  • information management
  • knowledge management
  • characteristics of informations objects and their processing operations
Planning, realization and introduction of application systems
  • development of individual software
  • selection of standard software
Analysis and design of internal and intercompany processes
  • data retention and data management
  • functional modeling
  • process modelling
Selected areas of Business Informatics
  • encryption
  • distributed database systems
  • standardization in network effect markets
  • allocated data retention and information logistics


Information Systems II

Fundamentals of IT networking
  •  internet technology 
  •  XML and Semantic Web
Object oriented modeling
Introduction into Python programming