Marvin Caspar, M. Sc.

E-Mail: marvin.caspar(at) 

Tel.: +49 631 205-3765



Presentations at International and National Conferences

  • Caspar, Marvin; Wendt, Oliver:
    • Deriving Upper and Lower Bounds with Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Request Acceptance and Scheduling Decisions under Uncertainty
    • 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, June 30–July 3, 2024, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Caspar, Marvin; Wendt, Oliver:
  • Caspar, Marvin; Wendt, Oliver:
    • An exact solution method for request acceptance and transportation planning decisions under uncertainty
    • International Conference on Optimization and Data Science in Industrial Engineering, November 16-17, 2023, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey

Scientific works

Seminars, projects and theses must be written in English by using the LaTeX template ¹. In the context of a colloquium, the scientific work is to be presented in a 20-minute presentation after the final submission. In any case, it is always beneficial to get in touch with my colleagues as well, as they might have something that suits you better than what I can offer.² After successful authentication with your RHRK-account, you may download the file. If your email address is "", you should use "account" and the corresponding password as credentials. ² In case of any communication related to university matters it is always preferable that you use your RHRK-account.

In any case, it is always beneficial to get in touch with my colleagues as well, as they might have something that suits you better than what I can offer.²


Current possible topics


¹ After successful authentication with your RHRK-account, you may download the file. If your email address is "", you should use "account" and the corresponding password as credentials.
² In case of any communication related to university matters it is always preferable that you use your RHRK-account.