Asset Pricing and Portfolio Optimization
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. Es handelt sich um eine Präsenzveranstaltung im Wintersemester, die in Vorlesungs- und Übungseinheiten aufgeteilt ist. Die Termine der Veranstaltung sind dem KIS zu entnehmen
Die Prüfungsleistung ist eine schriftliche Abschlussklausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit.
After successful completion of the module, students:
- Are able to estimate risk and returns from portfolios and single assets.
- Can understand and apply Markowitz Portfolio Theory, including estimating minimum variance portfolios, mean-variance portfolios, with and without riskless assets.
- Learn the limitations to the Markowitz portfolio theory and possible alternatives to overcome the limitations.
- Are able to understand the theory and practice of the Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Can apply the asset pricing models to estimate expected returns of single assets.
- Learn how to estimate measures of portfolios’ performance.
A. Introduction to Asset Management
- Role of the Financial System
- Introduction to Investments and Asset Management
- Overview of Securities Trading
- Stock Market Indices
- Investment Funds
B. Markowitz Model of Portfolio Theory
- Risk and Return for a Single Asset
- Risk and Return in a Portfolio
- Portfolio Optimization and Risk-efficient Frontier without Riskless Asset
- Portfolio Optimization and Risk-efficient Frontier with a Riskless Asset
C. Limitations and Solutions for the Markowitz Model
- Limitations of the Markowitz model
- Michaud optimization
- Black-Litterman as an alternative model
- Current Research and New alternatives to Improve the Markowitz Model
D. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Introduction to CAPM
- Derivation of CAPM
- Use of CAPM for valuation and asset pricing
- Empirical tests of CAPM
E. Asset Pricing
- Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Cross-sectional Return Predictors (Capital Market Anomalies)
- Joint Hypothesis and Asset Pricing Models
- Fama-French Three-Factor Asset Pricing Model
- New Generation of Asset Pricing Models
F. Performance Measurement