Christoph Riedersberger, M.Sc.

Christoph Riedersberger joined the Chair of Financial Management as a Research Assistant and Ph.D. student in September 2022. He studied Business Administration at TU Kaiserslautern and worked as a tutor and student assistant at different chairs during his studies. His main research interests include empirical asset pricing and behavioral finance. He is responsible for various classes related to the bachelor- and master lectures of the Chair of Financial Management as well as for the supervision of seminar- , bachelor- and master theses.

Working Papers

The Aggregated Equity Risk Premium, with Vitor Azevedo, and Mihail Velikov.


Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Gebäude 42, Raum 362

67663 Kaiserslautern


Tel.: +49 (0) 631 / 205 3651




Office hours by appointment