Media - Awards
On this page we would like to introduce you to some graduates and members of the chair, who have rendered outstanding services to the chair.
Katja Glawion receives the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2019
Ms Katja Glawion, M.Sc., received the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular commitment in the Master's programme. Ms Glawion presented her Master's thesis "The informational content of value creation as a measure of operational success - an empirical analysis in operational practice" (Abstract). The team of the chair congratulates very warmly on this.
Lena Baumann receives the Study Award of the Kaiserslautern Stadtsparkasse 2018
Ms Lena Baumann, M.Sc., received the study award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular commitment in the Master's programme. Ms Baumann presented her Master's thesis "Implications of Industry 4.0 for Controlling and Budgeting" (Abstract). The team of the chair would like to congratulate her.
Mr Mattias Oppold receives the Vernon Smith Prize 2017
The Chair of Management Accounting and Control would like to congratulate Mr Dipl.-Kfm. techn. Mattias Oppold, external doctoral student at the Chair, on his outstanding first place at the 10th International Vernon Smith Prize (certificate). This year's prize was awarded to three outstanding essays on the question "Does Tolerance Become a Crime When Applied to Evil?" (Abstract).
Mr Oppold dealt with this question from a philosophical point of view, basing his explanations on the moral theory of Immanuel Kant and the legal theory of David Hume. He concluded "that tolerance is not a crime when applied to evil, but rather evil when applied to crime." The presentation of the three award-winning essays took place on 05th February 2017 in Vaduz (Liechtenstein).
Mr Fabio Britz receives Controlling Young Talent Award 2017
The Chair of Management Accounting and Control congratulates Mr Fabio Britz, M.Sc. on an excellent third place in the Controlling Young Talent Award. This year's award was again given to outstanding theses that address both controlling innovations and classic controlling topics in application. In the course of this, Mr Britz's Master's thesis, which he wrote at the Chair of Corporate Accounting and Controlling with the topic "Transfer Pricing between Controlling and Taxation: Clarification of Conflicts of Objectives on the Basis of a Case Study" (Abstract) , was also awarded with excellence. The award ceremony will take place on 18th November 2017 at the 17th Controlling Innovation Berlin (CIB) conference in Berlin.
Lena Baumann receives the Study Award of the Hornbach Holding AG 2017
Ms Lena Baumann, B.Sc., graduate of the Chair of Management Accounting and Controlling, has been awarded the study award of Hornbach Holding AG for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular engagement in the Bachelor's programme with her Bachelor's thesis "Enterprise Gamification - Corporate Use of Game Design Elements as a Contribution to Value Creation"(Abstract). The team of the chair congratulates very warmly on this.
Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
Florian Fuchs and Fabio Britz receive the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2016
MrFlorian Fuchs, M.Sc., research assistant at the Chair of Corporate Accounting and Controlling, and Mr Fabio Britz, M.Sc., received the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievements and extracurricular commitment in the Master's programme. Mr Fuchs presented his Master's thesis "The phenomenon of reciprocity and the contribution of controlling to a reciprocity-focused incentive system" (Abstract). Mr Britz's thesis, on the other hand, dealt with the topic "Transfer prices between controlling and taxation: clarification of conflicting objectives using a case study"(Abstract). The team of the Chair congratulates the two prize winners very warmly.
Further information can be found in the press release of the Sparkasse under the following link.
Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
Stefan Willersinn receives study award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2013
Mr Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Stefan Willersinn has received the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2013 for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular commitment in the main course of studies with his diploma thesis "Critical analysis on the implementation of dual process models in controlling research" (Abstract) erhalten. The team of the chair congratulates very warmly on this.
Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
Ulrich Koffler received Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2012

Mr Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Ulrich Koffler, research assistant at the Chair of Management Accounting and Controlling, has received the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular commitment in the main study period with his diploma thesis "Entwicklung von Controllingansätzen im Spiegel der jeweiligen Lehrbücher" (Abstract) erhalten. The team of the chair congratulates very warmly.
For further information, please see the press release of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern, under the following">link.
Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
Tina Fuchs and Henning Pubanz receive Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2010

In 2010, the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievement and extracurricular commitment in the main course of study went to Ms Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Tina Fuchs, graduate of theIntegrated German-French Course of Studies, for her diploma thesis "Management of long term and multi stakeholder projects within a dynamic environment and their exigencies towards their surrounding organisation "" studied on the case of the Renewable Energy Development Company EVELOP; in particular on their wind offshore projects" and to Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Wirtsch.-Ing. Henning Pubanz for his diploma thesis "Analyse und Weiterentwicklung von Ansätzen zum Innovationscontrolling am Beispiel des Unternehmensbereichs Adhesive Technologies bei der Henkel AG & Co. KGaA"(Abstract).
Mr Henning Pubanz, together with Christian Hebeler and Volker Lingnau, was also honoured with the Best Paper Award of the journal Controlling for the best paper of the year 2011 for their article "Innovationscontrolling bei Henkel Adhesive Technologies". (Controlling: Journal for Success-Oriented Corporate Management, 23 (2011), H. 7, pp. 387-395.)
For further information, please see the press release of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern, under the following link.
Preis der Kreissparkassen-Stiftung
The Kreissparkasse Foundation uses the income from its endowment to fund prizes for young scientists for work with a high level of application relevance. Innovations in science and research are promoted. Special consideration is given to funding measures that serve as research and development projects for local industry and business. In 2011, the Kreissparkassen Foundation awarded the prize winners a total of 10,200 euros; 600 euros each for the diploma students and 1,200 euros each for the doctoral students.
On this page, we would like to introduce you to some graduates who have rendered outstanding services to the chair and were able to accept this study award from the Kreissparkasse Foundation.

In 2007, the prize of the Kreissparkassen Foundation went to Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Michael Zürn, among others, for his diploma thesis "Possibilities and limits of a location assessment based on cost calculation and TOC using the example of the Festo AG & Co. KG Rohrbach plant".
Further information can be found in UNISPECTRUM
Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern
Christian Sagawe receives Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern 2006

Mr Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Christian Sagawe received the Study Award of the Stadtsparkasse Kaiserslautern for outstanding academic achievements as well as extracurricular commitment in his main course of study with his diploma thesis "The use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for risk assessment: Development of a cognition-oriented controlling tool" (Abstract)
Preis der Kreissparkassen-Stiftung
Peter Hauck receives Award of the Kreissparkassen-Stiftung 2005

In 2005, the prize of the Kreissparkassen-Stiftung went, among others, to Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Peter Hauck for his diploma thesis "Strukturierung und Erweiterung des Risikohandlings bei der proALPHA Software AG" (Abstract).