About the mündliche Ergänzungsprüfungen of the OR
The students who are going to participate in the mündliche Ergänzungsprüfungen of the OR should send me (mahdi.moeini@wiwi.uni-kl.de) an e-mail for their registration.
Your e-mail should contain: your full name, your student id number, your RHRK e-mail address, the exam that you are going to participate ("OR 1" or "OR 2"?).
As soon as I receive any new information, I will then inform the registered students.
Please note that we check and communicate with students only with their RHRK e-mail address. We don't check/reply messages sent via private e-mail addresses.
Unfortunately, we don't know yet when, where, and how exactly the mündliche Ergänzungsprüfungen of the OR courses will take place. However, the mündliche Ergänzungsprüfungen will not be before May 2021. As soon as the exact date is set, I will inform the registered students.