Jun.-Prof. Danner-Schröder nimmt an Workshop zu "Routine Dynamics: More digital, more open, more critical" teil
Der Workshop zum Thema "Possible Future of Routine Dynamics" fand vom 28.9.-30.9. an der Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz statt. An dem Workshop nahmen 60 internationale Forscher aus 17 Ländern teil.
Zentrale Themen des Workshops:
More Digital? Digital technologies–such as AI or digital surveillance technologies–have been triggering some of the most important socio-cultural transformations of our times. How do these technologies afford new ways of working and organizing? And how can we enrich our research through the ever increasing amounts of digital traces?
More Open? Openness in all of its forms, like Open Strategy, Open Organizing, Open Innovation, Open Science, or Open Data becomes an increasingly relevant concern for scholars and practitioners alike. How are dynamic routines implied in crossing knowledge, social, and temporal boundaries in order to open up the organization to new audiences, ideas, and resources?
More Critical? As a society, we are increasingly confronted with more or less grand challenges that are the result of our own doings. As routines researchers, we can follow calls to study themes like sustainability, diversity and inclusion, as well as to critical theories of organizing. What role do routines play for their continuity? And how can we address grand challenges by changing routines?