Dr. Florian Fuchs

Beurlaubt für eine Vertretungsprofessur an der Universität Siegen.






  • Betreuung der Masterveranstaltungen "Anwendung von Controllinginstrumenten I" und "Experimentelle Forschung im Controlling"
  • Betreuung der Doktorandenveranstaltung "Wissenschaftstheorie"
  • Betreuung von Master- und Bachelorarbeiten sowie Masterseminaren und Studienprojekten
  • Rheinland-Pfalz-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik 2019



  • Unternehmensethik
  • Wissenschaftstheorie
  • Systemtheorie
  • Unternehmerische Verantwortung & Controlling
  • Nachhaltigkeit & Controlling



  • Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB)
  • Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik (DNWE)
  • European Accounting Association (EAA)
  • European Academy of Management (EURAM)
  • European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)
  • Association for Psychological Science (APS)



Fuchs, F. / Lingnau, V. (2024): The Homo Economicus as a Prototype of a Psychopath? A Conceptual Analysis and Implications for Business Research and Teaching. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Online First. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-024-05638-7

Lingnau, V. / Beham, F. / Fuchs, F. (2023): Das Phänomen „Betrieb“ revisited: Ein integrativer Ansatz zur Neukonzeption des Erfahrungsobjekts der Betriebswirtschaftslehre aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive, Hamburg 2023, https://www.verlagdrkovac.de/volltexte/13430/978-3-339-13431-8_OpenAccess.pdf

Mayer, B. / Fuchs, F. / Lingnau, V. (2023): Decision-Making in the Era of AI Support: How Decision Environment and Individual Decision Preferences Affect Advice-Taking in Forecasts. In: Journal of Neuroscience Psychology and Economics, 16 (2023), H. 1, S. 1-11.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2022): The Link Between Corporate Sustainability and Willingness to Invest: New Evidence From the Field of Ethical Investments. In: Journal of Management Control, 33 (2022), H. 3, S. 335-369.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2022): Controlling und Ethik. In: Becker, W. et al. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Controlling, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden 2022, S. 1023-1041.

Fuchs, F. (2022): Subjektunabhängige, analytische Unternehmensethik: Begründung und Relevanz als praktisch-normative Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wiesbaden 2022, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-36480-9.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2021): Controlling und Ethik. In: Becker, W. et al. (Hrsg.): Praxishandbuch Controlling, Wiesbaden 2021, S. 1-19.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2021): Die Status quo-Falle – Oder: It can kill you not being „good“ enough. In: Wellbrock, W. et al. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltiger Konsum: Best Practices aus Wissenschaft, Unternehmenspraxis, Gesellschaft, Verwaltung und Politik, Wiesbaden 2021, S. 33-51.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2020): Der Betrieb – neu definiert. In: wisu 49 (2020), H. 12, S. 1282-1288.

Lingnau, V. / Beham, F. / Fuchs, F.  (2020): Der Betrieb, das unbekannte Wesen – Eine Neukonzeption des Erfahrungsobjektes der Betriebswirtschaftslehre aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive, 2020.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2019): Das Subjekt als Verantwortungsträger in der Wirtschaft? Von den Grenzen individueller Verantwortung in der globalisierten Wissensgesellschaft und der Begründung von Unternehmensethik. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 20 (2019), H. 2, S. 231-257.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2019): The Impact of Sustainability in Coffee Production on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay: New Evidence from the Field of Ethical Consumption. In: Journal of Management Control, 30 (2019), H. 1, S. 65-93.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2018): Das Ende der Einmütigkeit der Shareholder? Die Grenzen des standardökonomischen Ansatzes und ein verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Gegenentwurf, 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. / Jacobsen, W. (2018): Empirische Forschung im Controlling – Ein Leitfaden, 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Dehne-Niemann, T. E. (2017): The Influence of Psychopathic Traits on the Acceptance of White-Collar Crime: Do Corporate Psychopaths Cook the Books and Misuse the News? In: Journal of Business Economics, 87 (2017), H. 9, S. 1193-1227. Die Publikation finden Sie unter https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11573-017-0864-6 bzw. als reine Leseversion unter http://rdcu.be/tvuR.


Fuchs, F. (2024): Dark Traits in Accounting Research: A Systematic Review and Suggestions for Future Research on Corporate Psychopathy Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Bucharest 2024.

Fuchs, F. (2024): Psychopathic Leaders – A Threat to Organizational and Societal Prosperity? Implications and Some Suggestions for Future Research Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, VHB Conference, Lüneburg 2024.

Fuchs, F. (2024): Dark Traits in Accounting Research: A Systematic Review and Suggestions for Future Research on Corporate Psychopathy Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, ACMAR Conference, Vallendar 2024.

Fuchs, F. (2023): Psychopathic Leaders – A Threat to Organizational and Societal Prosperity? Implications and Some Suggestions for Future Research Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, Bayreuth Emerging Accounting Research Workshop, Bayreuth 2023.

Fuchs, F. (2023): Is the Homo Economicus a Psychopath? Investigating the Dark Traits of Homo Economicus from an Integrative Perspective, 6th International Conference on Economics and Philosophy, Lille 2023.

Fuchs, F. (2023): Psychopathic Leaders – A Threat to Organizational and Societal Prosperity? Implications and Some Suggestions for Future Research Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, EURAM Conference, Dublin 2023.

Fuchs, F. (2023): Psychopathic Leaders – A Threat to Organizational and Societal Prosperity? Implications and Some Suggestions for Future Research Through the Lens of Managerial Accounting and Control, ERMAC Conference, Vienna 2023.

Fuchs, F. (2023): Corporate Psychopaths in Charge: Implications and Some Suggestions for Future Management Accounting and Control Research in the Area of Decision-Influencing and Decision-Facilitating, Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Espoo 2023.

Fuchs, F. (2023): The Role of Organizational Hierarchy as a Corporate Incentive and Promotor of Psychopathic Leaders, ACMAR Conference, Vallendar 2023.

Fuchs, F. / Betzhold, C. (2022): Are Sustainable Finance Decisions Different From Sustainable Consumption? Exploring the Contextual and Personal Drivers of Stakeholder Boycott in Cases of Non-Sustainability, EBEN 2022 Research Conference: Sustainable Finance and Evidence for SDGs, Frankfurt am Main 2022.

Fuchs, F. (2022): The Role of Organizational Hierarchy as a Corporate Incentive and Promotor of Psychopathic Leaders, ERMAC Conference, Vienna 2022.

Mayer, B. / Fuchs, F. / Lingnau, V. (2022): Decision-Making in the Era of AI Support: How Decision Environment and Individual Decision Preferences Affect Advice-Taking in Forecasts, NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Lille 2022.

Lingnau, V. / Beham, F. / Fuchs, F. (2019): Does It Pay to Be Good or Does It Harm to Be Bad? New Evidence from the Field of Ethical Investments, ACMAR Conference, Vallendar 2019.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2018): Corruption in and of Corporations: Some Business Ethical Considerations on Bribery in Business, EBEN 2018 Research Conference: Corruption and Beyond – Fraudulent Behavior in and of Corporations, Vienna 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2018): Ethical Consumption and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay – New Empirical Evidence from Sustainability Research and Normative Considerations, 4th International Conference on Economics and Philosophy, Lyon 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Beham, F. (2018): Does It Pay to Be Good or Does It Harm to Be Bad? New Evidence from the Field, ACMAR Conference, Vallendar 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Beham, F. / Fuchs, F. (2018): Die positiven Effekte nachhaltiger Textilwirtschaft – Ein Beitrag aus der Vignettenforschung, Zweiter Vignettenworkshop, Augsburg 2018.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. / Burger, S. (2017): A Subject-Independent Theory of Business Ethics, EIASM 4th Workshop on Business Ethics, Brussels 2017.

Lingnau, V. / Fuchs, F. (2017): The Implications of Imperfect Markets on Shareholder Unanimity, the Contribution of Management Accounting and the Potential of Heuristics for Legitimizing Shareholder Returns, ACMAR Conference, Vallendar 2017.

Fuchs, F. (2017): The Foundations of a Subject-Independent, Analytical Business Ethics, Doctoral Colloquium at ACMAR, Vallendar 2017.