Research project

In cooperation with companies

Lecturer: Dr. Cynthia Loos

Partner company in SS 2025: 

Dates: Tuesdays, 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. (according to course handbook)

Unfortunately, we do not offer a research project in in cooperation with companies in the summer semester 2025.

The research project is a study-accompanying form of course that particularly facilitates independent and coordinated work on interrelated topics or problem contexts.

In a research project, students should learn to independently apply and deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities they have acquired in economics and/or engineering in a practical and/or research-related manner.

A key feature of a project work is the consistent processing of a project, including conception, design, implementation, documentation, project management, interface definition and work organisation as well as communication both within the project group and with third parties.

The content orientation as well as registration and submission deadlines are determined as part of the supervision.

Topic in the summer semester 2025: 

Applications are submitted via OpenOlat.

Registration period: until 21.04.2024.


  • Application form Research Project for Business Administration & Business Administration-tQ
    Download 21 KB
  • Application form research project for Industrial engineering
    Download 21 KB

As Service Learning

In addition to the research project in co-operation with companies, we also offer service learning if interested.


Summer term 2025

In the summer term 2025, we are once again offering a service-learning project in cooperation with Aktion gegen den Hunger gGmbH.

Call for applications

Service learning is translated into German as “learning through engagement” or “learning through responsibility”. In addition to learning and engagement, the third central component is systematic reflection, which links the theoretical content of learning with practical experience, i.e. service.
The students work on real problems of non-profit organizations from the region and are given the opportunity to apply the theoretical content learned in the course “Nonprofit Management for Sustainable Development Goals” in the context of a real problem. Some of the project work is carried out on site with the community partners and is supervised by the Chair.

The practice partners are selected and acquired by the students themselves.

If you are interested in a service-learning research project, you must first acquire a potential practice partner and work with them to develop a topic proposal to be dealt with as part of the research project.

You should then contact our Chair with the contact details of the relevant practice partner and your proposed topic.

The chair will then check the proposed topic for suitability for a research project and, if the decision is positive, will contact the practice partner to conclude a cooperation agreement.

The further procedure is then determined individually.

If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Cynthia Loos.