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Sailing seminars

no more sailing

Sailing seminars in Economics

...and goodbye

The last sailing seminar took place in 2022 after 41 sailing seminars and 25 years.

Maybe there will be revival seminars if someone organizes it.

Sailing seminar Alumni

For those who want to stay in touch, organize revival sailing seminars or whatever:

There is a sailing seminar alumni mailing list!

If you want to subscribe to it you can do so by going to the following web page:


and click on "Subscribe" there.


Alternatively, you can also:

From the address where you want to subscribe to the list, send a message to sympa(at)wiwi.uni-kl.de.
Enter in the subject line of the message: subscribe segelseminar-alumni first name last name (enter your own name and first name).
Let the message text empty.

Past alumni events:

1st Revival Sailing Seminar 2011

Sailing ships since 1997 (Münster and Kaiserslautern)