
At the School of Business and Economics

News from research

Top publication in the Journal of Management Studies ranked in the Financial Times Top 50

New paper from Anja Danner-Schröder (RPTU Kaiserslautern), Kathrin Sele (Aalto University) and Christian Mahringer (University of Stuttgart)!

In their study, the authors unpack the role of the lived body in routine recreation in extreme contexts. They examined Restaurant Nolla, a zero-waste fine-dining restaurant in Helsinki, during the COVID-19 pandemic and find that ‘embodied connection work’ plays an integral part in actors’ attempts to establish new ways of operating. Specifically, they show how this active process of making connections between actors and actions consists of embodied imagining and embodied protecting—two interrelated practices that enable the reintegration of stakeholders and the reassembling of what matters to them. This research is particularly relevant in times of crisis, as it details the process of resuming operations.

The paper has been published in the Journal of Management Studies, a leading journal in the management and organization studies field.



Study on capital market anomalies: Does machine learning help to better predict stock returns?

In a dynamic financial market, the precise prediction of share returns is a challenging task. A common approach is to utilise capital market anomalies. These include certain company characteristics that are known to influence stock returns. However, conventional linear methods often struggle with the complexity inherent in these anomalies, especially in a global sample of stock returns. A research project by scientists from Kaiserslautern and Munich has used machine learning to overcome this challenge. This novel study uses machine learning to combine information from hundreds of capital market anomalies in a global sample of stocks. Their results were presented in the renowned 'Journal of Asset Management'.

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Project "Smart batch processes in the energy system of the future"

The RPTU is working on topics of the future that move society and industry. This is demonstrated by the latest success in research: RPTU has received over 5 million euros from the Carl Zeiss Foundation's "CZS Breakthroughs" programme for the interdisciplinary project "Smart Batch Processes in the Energy System of the Future". The Carl Zeiss Foundation's "CZS Breakthroughs" programme supports top international research from Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia. The chairs of "Production Management" with Prof Dr Florian Sahling and "Sustainability Management" with Prof Dr Katharina Spraul from the Department of Economics are involved.



Best Paper Award for Prof. Steininger

The paper "Fusing Contingency Theory and Upper Echelon Theory For A New Perspective on the Critical Juncture of Family Firm Succession" by Baris Istipliler, Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Annegret Hauer, Dennis Steininger and Michael Woywode received a Best Paper Award at the "5th International Family Business Research Forum" - an international conference that took place at the end of September 2022 at Hasselt University in Belgium.


Prof Dr Gordon Müller-Seitz (Chair of Strategy, Innovation & Cooperation, RPTU in Kaiserslautern) presents the book "Enjoy Digital" in this transfer story. Enjoy Digital contains practical "recipes for success" for small and medium-sized companies that want to master digitalisation.


Das Paper „Ignorance is Bliss: Effects of Real Activities Management by Employees and the Role of Managers“ von Markus C. Arnold, Kai A. Bauch und Eric W. Chan wurde auf dem diesjährigen Annual Meeting der American Accounting Association in San Diego mit dem IMA Best Management Accounting Paper Award ausgezeichnet.

The current version of the working paper is available on SSRN.


Best Paper Award 2022 : Anja Danner-Schröder, u.a. „Getting Ahead of Time—Performing Temporal Boundaries to Coordinate Routines under Temporal Uncertainty“


Top-Publikation von Prof. Dr. Tanja Rabl und Koautor:innen im Information Systems Journal (A-Journal im VHB-JOURQUAL3 und eines der acht weltweit einflussreichsten Journals im „Senior Scholar’s Basket of Journals“ der Association for Information Systems) zur Rolle der Unterstützung durch digitale Technologien für Intrapreneurship.


Corruption research by Prof Dr Tanja Rabl topic in the BR podcast "Character and Corruptibility - The Psychology of Corruption":


VHB expert statement by Prof Dr Tanja Rabl on "Corruption prevention in small and medium-sized enterprises":

Research profile

The research profile is initially derived from the individual profiles of the departments. In addition, interdisciplinary topics, such as sustainable corporate management, are also addressed. There are cooperative relationships with other departments, affiliated institutes and other universities, particularly in the case of third-party funded projects. With its third-party funding per professorship, the department is one of the top departments in economics.


Modelling of investment decisions under undercertainty in capital markets, as well as the investigation of the behaviour of agents with subjective expectations in OLG models.


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The research focuses in particular on

  • Applied microeconomics
  • Contract theory
  • Regulatory economics
  • Behavioural economics
  • Industrial economics
  • Game theory


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Research at the Chair of Environmental Economics, based on microeconomic theory, examines issues in the following areas:


  • Environmental regulation under uncertainty
  • Global public goods and externalities
  • Information economics
  • Strategic interaction on environmental goods


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In the context of digitalisation, various dimensions of entrepreneurship and organisational innovation are at the heart of the field. The main focus is on theory-based and empirical research into digital start-ups, innovations and forms of financing as well as the associated mechanisms of action and their management in business and society.

These topics are reflected in the three central research areas of the professorship:

  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Digital Transformation & Analytics

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Research at the Chair of Business Administration, in particular External Accounting, is classified as behavioural accounting and aims to better understand the use and provision of accounting information by economic actors and the associated decisions in order to be able to make suggestions for improving decision-making in practice on this basis. This follows the basic understanding that one of the main purposes of accounting is to provide information that is useful for decision-making.

This is examined primarily against the background of current social and economic developments, such as digitalisation and the associated increasing availability of information. Exemplary questions to which the Chair's research would like to contribute are, for example: What is the mode of action of differently designed corporate communication, in light of the fact that more and more investors:inside are carrying out transactions on mobile devices? How can artificial intelligence be used to increase employee satisfaction and the effectiveness of performance incentives? What drives unethical behaviour at middle management level? Experimental research methods are used to answer these questions.

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The chair’s research objective is to make the capital markets fairer and more efficient. Our research agenda focuses on:

  • Asset Pricing
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Quantitative Finance


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The research activities of the Chair of Marketing focus on the areas of pricing, services and digitalisation. The research projects carried out form both the basis for teaching and the interface to practice and thus the common framework for the Chair's activities.


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The research focuses in particular on organisations in especially dynamic contexts. Numerous current phenomena are addressed, such as change processes through digital technologies or dealing with social challenges such as the refugee crisis. Theoretically, the research is guided by a focus on organisational routines, processes and practices, as well as temporal and spatial dimensions.


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The theory-based empirical research of the department is dedicated to practice-relevant questions on current challenges that require responsible and innovative action in and by organisations. It addresses the management of the risk of corrupt behaviour, demographic change, diversity and digital transformation as well as intrapreneurship in organisations and strategic international HR management.


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The Chair of Production Management primarily deals with practical issues in the field of industrial production of goods and services. To support decision-making, operational decision-making problems are mapped as mathematical optimisation models. Quantitative methods from the field of operations research are used to solve these decision problems.


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The combination of theory and practice with a view to current challenges, such as the management of digital transformation, open innovation or strategy processes or the management of networks.


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In our research we focus on the topic of sustainability management.  Our research strategy curently focuses on the following areas of research:


  • the role of universities in sustainability networks
  • Success factors of sustainability networks
  • pro-environmental behavior at the workplace
  • sustainability and digital transformation
  • innovations for circular economy
  • implementing the sustainable development goals in organizational accountability

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The research content of the LUC can be structured into three central focal points, which are interdependent in many ways:

  1. Behavioural aspects of management accounting ("Psychological Management Accounting Research")
  2. Consequences of digital change for controlling ("Controlling 4.0")
  3. Normative and strategic aspects of management accounting (in particular "Management accounting and ethics" and "Management accounting and sustainability")


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BISOR research extends and combines decision models and methods from:


  • Artificial and Computational Intelligence
  • Machine Learning for Optimization of Stochastic Systems
  • Operations Research
  • Multi Agent Systems and Mechanism Design

with a strong focus on the application domains of:

  • Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
  • Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing
  • Network Analysis and Recommender Systems


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