Digital Strategy and Analytics

How can established companies react to digital challengers? How can they transform their organization and business models so that they are not forced out of the market by digital disruptions? How can Big Data and Artificial Intelligence be used to make better decisions and react quickly to new challenges? These are exemplary questions from this research area.

Selected Publications

  • Steininger, D., Mikalef, P., Pateli, A., und Ortiz-de-Guinea, A. 2022. „Dynamic Capabilities in Information Systems Research: A Critical Review, Synthesis of Current Knowledge, and Recommendations for Future Research“, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (23:2), S. 447–490.
  • Buesching, F., Steininger, D. M., und Veit, D. 2022. „Governing digital crisis responses: platform standards and the dilemma of COVID-19 contact tracing“, Journal of Business Economics (93), S. 267–323. (
  • Berger, B., Matt, C., Steininger, D. M., and Hess, T. 2015. “It Is Not Just About Competition with ‘Free’: Differences Between Content Formats in Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay,” Journal of Management Information Systems (32:3), pp. 105–128. (
  • Steininger, D. M., and Gatzemeier, S. 2019. “Digitally Forecasting New Music Product Success via Active Crowdsourcing,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change (146), pp. 167–180. (
  • Steininger, D. M., Glas, T., and Veit, D. 2018. “Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Social Media Firestorms – An Experimental Study,” in Proceedings of JAIS TDW Pre-ICIS Workshop, San Francisco, pp. 1–30.