Integration module Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation (4,5 CP)

The integration module "Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovations", which is part of the focus "Management of Digital Transformation", is offered jointly in the winter semester by Prof. Dr. Dennis Steininger (module coordinator; Chair of Entrepreneurship), Prof. Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz (Chair of Strategy, Innovation and Cooperation), and Prof. Dr. Stefan Roth (Chair of Marketing). From WS 23/24 onwards, the organizational behavior and human resource management perspective from Prof. Dr. Tanja Rabl (Chair of Human Resource Management, Leadership and Organization) will be added to the course, again.

The module includes both lecture and practical sessions. In the course, students learn,

  • to reflect on the theoretical-conceptual findings on the management of digital transformation against the background of practical examples;
  • discuss the topic of business models and business model innovations from the perspectives of marketing, organizational behavior and human resource management, international management and entrepreneurship, and strategic management;
  • to apply the theoretical-conceptual insights against the background of practical problems.

The module examination comprises a presentation on the lecture (50%) and a presentation on the practical sessions (50%).


  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on business models
  • Development of business models
  • Business model innovations
  • Digitalization and entrepreneurial processes
  • Digitization and pricing systems
  • Value propositions and usage processes
  • Interorganizationally networked business model innovations


ECTS credits4,5
Teaching languageEnglish
Registration requiredyes, via KIS/ Olat
Focus areaManagement of the digital transformation
ContactLena Erber M.Sc.