Past events

Follow-up report on the workshop: "Sustainability in companies - opportunities and approaches for a sustainable value chain"

On December 11, 2024, we were able to help shape the workshop initiated by the Science and Innovation Alliance on the topic of "Sustainability in companies - opportunities and approaches for a sustainable value chain". The event, which took place on the premises of the Kaiserslautern Chamber of Industry and Commerce, provided a platform for an intensive exchange between science and practice. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Katharina Spraul and Tina Pfalzgraf, regional and national stakeholders worked on strategically integrating sustainability into corporate structures.

The workshop was dedicated to a holistic view of sustainability, in which ecological, social and economic dimensions were given equal consideration. A particular focus was placed on the importance of so-called dual materiality, which analyzes a company's impact on the environment and society as well as the reverse impact of sustainability issues on economic development. An introduction to materiality and stakeholder analysis introduced the participants to the strategic approach of prioritizing sustainable issues and evaluating their relevance for their own company.

A particular highlight was working with a real-life example. Wipotec GmbH, a leading provider of innovative weighing and inspection solutions in Kaiserslautern, made itself available as a case study. This enabled the participants to apply the theoretical concepts directly to a company. The materiality analysis was used to identify key topics that reflected both the company's external image and its internal requirements. These approaches were ultimately incorporated into the creation of a materiality matrix, which serves as the basis for strategic decisions.

The interactive work phases of the workshop offered participants the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts such as dual materiality and materiality analysis in practice. They analyzed which topics are relevant both from the company's perspective and from the perspective of external stakeholders and prioritized them based on their strategic importance. The discussion on linking the ecological, social and economic dimensions of sustainability was particularly enriching and made it clear how complex and yet essential the transition to sustainable business models is.

The collaboration with Wipotec GmbH showed that companies that actively address sustainability not only have a positive impact on the environment and society, but can also strengthen their own resilience and competitiveness.

The event laid the foundation for further cooperation and provided valuable impetus that the participants can follow up on in their organizations. The workshop day in Kaiserslautern highlighted how enriching the transfer between science and practice is and sends a strong signal for the importance of sustainable corporate management.