Professor Katharina Spraul has headed the research group "Business Studies and Economics, in particular Sustainability Management" in the Department of Business Studies and Economics since September 1, 2013. Since 2023, she has been the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Business Studies and Economics department, a deputy member of the Internal Research Advisory Board at RPTU and spokesperson for the Innovation Area Sustainability and Resource Efficiency in the Open Digitalization Alliance Palatinate II.
Professor Spraul completed her entire academic education at the University of Mannheim: from 1999 to 2003, she studied Business Administration. She then began her doctorate as a research assistant on the topic of "Return on education as a target for university management" under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn at the Chair of General Business Administration, Public & Nonprofit Management. The empirical dissertation, completed in 2006, was awarded the Prize for Language and Science. From 2007 to 2013, Prof. Spraul worked as a habilitation candidate and academic advisor to Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig at the same chair and expanded the focus of her research and teaching from higher education research to the entire field of public and nonprofit management as well as corporate sustainability. In 2013, Prof. Spraul habilitated with a cumulative habilitation on accountability in companies, public and non-profit organizations and received a teaching qualification in business administration.
Professor Spraul acquired the Baden-Württemberg Certificate in University Teaching in 2007. In the same year, she implemented service learning in a business administration course for the first time in Germany. In this teaching method, which originated in the USA, theoretical content is applied by students in the context of charitable projects and compared with their practical experience in reflection sessions. In 2008, Prof. Spraul received the EUR 40,000 teaching prize from the state of Baden-Württemberg for his exemplary implementation of service learning.
Katharina Spraul is full professor and holds the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Sustainability Management in the Department of Business Studies and Economics at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK), Germany. Since 2020, she serves as Vice Dean. In 2016, she initiated the Sustainability Office at the TUK as a central institution for sustainability topics. She graduated with a Master's degree, PhD (summa cum laude) and post-doctoral habilitation in business administration from University of Mannheim.
Prof. Spraul's current research interests are sustainability management with an emphasis on cross-sector relations and circular economy. Her research has been published in scientific outlets such as Business & Society, International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Business Ethics, and Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
- since 01/2023 Deputy member of internal research advisory board, RPTU profile area Sustainable Development and Conservation of Livelihoods
- since 01/2023 Equal Opportunities Officer, Department of Business Studies and Economics, at RPTU
- 02/2020-01/2023 Vice Dean, Department of Business Studies and Economics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- since 06/2020 Steering Committee CIRKLA
- 05/2017 Visiting Academic, Durham University Business School
- 04/2017 Visiting Researcher, University of Padua
- 2016-2019 Adjunct Faculty Member, Mannheim Business School, University of Mannheim
- WS 2015/16 Lecturer, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, Center for Doctoral Studies in Business, University of Mannheim
- since 06/2015 University Professor (W3) for Business Administration, in particular Sustainability Management, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- since 02/2014 Elected member of the Department Council, Department of Business Studies and Economics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 02/2014-06/2020 Deputy Chairwoman of the Studies and Teaching Committee, Department of Business Studies and Economics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 09/2013-05/2015 University Professor (W2) for Sustainability Management, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 03/2012-08/2014 Lecturer at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
- 10/2007-08/2013 Academic councilor (temporary) and habilitation candidate with Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig
- 06/2007-05/2011 Member of the Advisory Board Public-Private Partnership Baden-Württemberg, Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg
- 10/2005-09/2007 Research assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn
- 09/2005 Research Fellow, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise
- 10/2003-10/2005 Research assistant and doctoral student with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn
- 04/2013 Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Mannheim
- 12/2007 Baden-Württemberg Certificate in University Teaching, University Didactics Center of the Universities of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- 07/2006 Doctorate at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Mannheim; dissertation: Return on education as a target variable for university management, degree: Dr. rer. pol., evaluation: summa cum laude, awarded the Prize for Language and Science
- 07/2003 Diploma in Business Administration, University of Mannheim; major fields of study: Public & non-profit management, marketing, partnership and corporate law (very good)
- 1999 High school diploma in mathematics and science, Schiller-Gymnasium with music section, Offenburg (1.0)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Habil. Katharina Spraul
Katharina Spraul is full professor and holds the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Sustainability Management in the Department of Business Studies and Economics at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK), Germany. Since 2020, she serves as Vice Dean. In 2016, she initiated the Sustainability Office at the TUK as a central institution for sustainability topics. She graduated with a Master’s degree, PhD (summa cum laude) and post-doctoral habilitation in business administration from University of Mannheim.
Prof. Spraul’s current research interests are sustainability management with an emphasis on cross-sector relations and circular economy. Her research has been published in scientific outlets such as Business & Society, International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Business Ethics, and Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Academic Entrepreneurship for Eco-Innovations
- Di Maria, E., Marchi, V. de & Spraul, K. (2019). Who benefits from university–industry collaboration for environmental sustainability? International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20, 1022-1041. doi: 10.1108/IJSHE-10-2018-0172.
- 2017: Conference presentation at Moving Knowledge into Action: A debate on Academic Entrepreneurship, Universität Padua, Italien
De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. & Spraul, K. (2018): Collaborazioni università-impresa: I risultati sul fronte dell’eco-innovazione. Economia e società regionale issue, 3, 62-71. doi: 10.3280/ES2018-003006.
- De Marchi, V. & Spraul, K. (2018). Mind the Gap: Practices for University-Industry Collaboration to Support Sustainable Innovation. Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA; Sponsors: Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE), Technology and Innovation Management (TIM)
Mindfulness and sustainability
- Hufnagel, J. & Spraul, K. (2019). Part-Time Yoga Teachers: Meaningfulness and Identity, Symposium Yoga and Subjective Well-Being at Work. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston
- Spraul, K., Hufnagel, J. & Balzer, R. (im Erscheinen). Ethische Entscheidungen im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement: Die Rolle von Achtsamkeit.
Circular Economy
- Hofstetter, J., Marchi, V., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Klassen, R., Ometto, A., Spraul, K. et al (2021). From sustainable global value chains to circular economy—Different silos, different perspectives, but many opportunities to build bridges. Circular Economy and Sustainability. doi: 10.1007/s43615-021-00015-2.
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Handy, F., Hustinx, L. & Spraul, K. (2020). Attractiveness of CSR in job choice decisions: The case of India. In Brammer, S., Haski-Leventhal, D. & Roza, L. (Hrsg.): Employee Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (S. 141-156), Sage Publications Ltd.
- Helmig, B., Spraul, K. & Ingenhoff, D. (2016). Under Positive Pressure: How Stakeholder Pressure Affects Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation. Business & Society, 55, 151–187. doi: 10.1177/0007650313477841 Abstract (PDF)Volltext
Digital management
- Spraul, K. (Hrsg.) (2019). Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung: Wie digitale Innovationen zu den Sustainable Development Goals beitragen. Baden- Baden: Nomos. Verlagsseite
- Kiefhaber, E., Pavlovich, K. & Spraul, K. (2018). Sustainability-Related Identities and the Institutional Environment: The Case of New Zealand Owner–Managers of Small- and Medium-Sized Hospitality Businesses. Journal of Business Ethics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10551-018-3990-3.
2017: Conference presentation. Business vs. Sustainability: How Owner/managers of New Zealand Hospitality Businesses Handle Conflicting Identities, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA
- Kiefhaber, E./Spraul, K. (2015). Social Capital as a Driver for Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The 75th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Kanada.
University management
- Spraul, K. & Hufnagel, J. (Im Druck). Hochschulen und Nachhaltigkeit: Fallstudie der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern. In Schmidpeter, R. & Schmitz, M. (Hrsg.). CSR in Rheinland-Pfalz, Springer
- Helmig, B., Bürgisser, S., Lichtsteiner, H. & Spraul, K. (2010). On the Relevance of Accreditations of Executive MBA Programs—The Perception of the Customers. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 7, 37–55. Abstract (PDF); Volltext
- Sperlich, A./Spraul, K. (2007). Students As Active Partners: Higher Education Management in Germany. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3, Article 11Volltext
- 2006: Conference presentation. The student’s central role for efficient Higher Education Management in Germany, 6th International Symposium on Public Sector Management „Efficient Management in the Non-Profit Organizations“, York University, Toronto, Kanada
- Spraul, Katharina (2007). Anwendungsfelder der Bildungsrendite als Zielgröße für das Hochschulmanagement. Hochschulmanagement, 2, 2, 35-39.
- 2007: Konferenzvortrag. Anwendungsfelder der Bildungsrendite als Zielgröße für das Hochschulmanagement, 9. Workshop Hochschulmanagement, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Münster, Best Paper Award
- Spraul, K. (2006). Bildungsrendite als Zielgröße für das Hochschulmanagement: Dissertation. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. Abstract (PDF)
Sustainability management
- Spraul, K. & Kiefhaber, E. (2018). Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement. In M. v. Hauff & T. Nguyen (Hrsg.), Fortschritte in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, S. 33–54. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
- Spraul, K. & Möller, M. (2016). Standardisierung von Nachhaltigkeit. In Antes, R., Müller, M., & Siebenhüner, B. (Hrsg.), Umweltmanagement im Nachhaltigkeits- und Verhaltenskontext - Festschrift für Hans-Ulrich Zabel, Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 281-291.
Networks for sustainability
- Spraul, K. (2019). Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerke an Hochschulen, Impulsvortrag, 19. Jahrestagung Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Berlin Mitschnitt
- Kiefhaber, E./Spraul, K. (2016). Sucess Factors of Interorganizational Networks: Paving the Way for Future Sustainability Research, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA
Nonprofit Management
- 2008: Poster presentation. A Value Shop Configuration Analysis in the Non-Profit Sector - The Example of Drug Addicts Support Centers, ARNOVA Conference, Philadelphia, USA
- 2008: Konferenzvortrag. Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen in Nonprofit-Organisationen als strategischer Wettbewerbsvorteil, 8. Internationales NPO-Forschungscolloquium, Universität Linz, Österreich
- Spraul, K. (2017). Nonprofit-Organisationen und Nachhaltigkeit - Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven. In L. Theuvsen et al. (Hrsg.), Nonprofit-Organisationen und Nachhaltigkeit, 5–11. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Volltext
2016: Keynote-Vortrag. 12. Internationales NPO-Forschungscolloquium, Universität Göttingen
- Helmig, B., Spraul, K. & Tremp, K. (2012). Replication Studies in Nonprofit Research: A Generalization and Extension of Findings Regarding the Media Publicity of Nonprofit Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41, 360–385. Abstract (PDF); Volltext
- Helmig, B., Michalski, S. & Spraul, K. (2009). Eine explorative Studie zu Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen in Nonprofit-Organisationen. BFuP - Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 61, 94–114. Abstract (PDF)
- Spraul, K. (2007). Marktorientierung in Nonprofit-Unternehmen, Nonprofit-Vereinigungen und Nonprofit-Haushaltungen. Die Unternehmung, 61, 341–349. Abstract (PDF)
Public Management
- Thaler, J., Spraul, K., Helmig, B. & Franzke, H. (2017). Satisfaction with and Success of Employee Training from a Public Service Motivation Perspective. International Journal of Public Administration, 40, 1–11. doi: 10.1080/01900692.2015.1072212. Abstract (PDF)Volltext
2013: Conference presentation. Satisfaction with and Success of Employee Trainings from a Public Service Motivation Perspective, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA
- Spraul, K., Pallagst, K. & Jungbauer, A. (2016). Nachhaltige Stadtplanung und Steuerung der Flächennutzung – Die Green-Belt-Politik in Schottland und Lerneffekte für die deutsche kommunale Planung. Der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 9, 299–323. doi: 10.3224/dms.v9i2.26347. Volltext
- Knoke, M., Merk, J., Schneider-Pföhler, M. & Spraul, K. (2014). Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn. In M. Knoke et al. (Hrsg.), Das Publicness-Puzzle : Öffentliche Aufgabenerfüllung zwischen Staat und Markt, 341–343. Lage: Jacobs Verlag. Abstract (PDF)
- Spraul, K. (2014). Neue Rollen: Staatliche Regulierung und Selbstregulierung des Marktes. In M. Knoke et al. (Hrsg.), Das Publicness-Puzzle : Öffentliche Aufgabenerfüllung zwischen Staat und Markt, 241–244. Lage: Jacobs Verlag.
- Spraul, K., Scheefer, A., Helmig, B. & Eckstein, B. (2012). Doppik und Produkthaushalte als Instrumente strategischen Managements in Kommunen: Eine vergleichende Fallstudie. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft. 82, S. 935-968 Abstract (PDF); Volltext
- Greiling, D. & Spraul, K. (2010). Accountability and the Challenges of Information Disclosure. Public Administration Quarterly, 34, 338–377. Abstract (PDF); Volltext
Public-Private Partnerships
- Spraul, K. & Thaler, J. (2019). Partnering for good? An analysis of how to achieve sustainability-related outcomes in public–private partnerships. Business Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40685-019-0097-3. Volltext
- 2012: Conference presentation. Co-Creating Sustainable Value in Public-Private Partnerships: An Empirical Assessment, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA
- Thaler, J., Spraul, K. & Helmig, B. (2013). Aufgabenkritik freiwilliger kommunaler Aufgaben - Zur Entstehung von Akzeptanz für Öffentlich-Private Partnerschaften. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen. Beiheft 42, S. 112-124 Abstract (PDF)
- 2011: Conference presentation. Co-Creating Social Value - A Qualitative Approach to Gain Insights on the Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), 15th International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference "Value, Innovation and Partnership", Dublin, Irland
Service Learning
- Spraul, K. & Hofer, M. (2020). Wer kann Community Partner für Service Learning werden? - Eine ethischer Betrachtung. In Derkau, J. & Hofer, M. (Hrsg.): Campus und Gesellschaft - Service Learning an deutschen Hochschulen. Positionen und Perspektiven (1. Aufl., S. 174-191), Beltz Juventa, Weinheim Basel.
- Spraul, K., Hufnagel, J. & Höfert, A. (Im Druck). Der Beitrag von Service Learning zur Agenda 2030. In Rosenkranz, D., Roderus, S. & Oberbeck, N. (Hrsg.): Service Learning - Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und Beispiele aus der Praxis für eine innovative Hochschule, Beltz Juventa, Weinheim Basel.
- Spraul, K. (2018). Experiential learning and reflection in (sustainability) management education. Excellence in Teaching Conference, Universität Padua, Italien, MitschnittInterview
- Kwesiga, E./Spraul, K. (2010). Passion and Compassion in the Classroom and Beyond: Experiential Learning International. Professional Development Workshop, 2010 Academy of Management Meeting, August 6-10, Montréal, Kanada
- Spraul, K. (2009). Service Learning: Lernen durch Engagement an Hochschulen. In B. Berendt, H.-P. Voss & J. Wildt (Hrsg.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre, Griffmarke A. 38, 1-25, Berlin. Abstract (PDF)
- Spraul, K. (2009). Service Learning im Rahmen der Speziellen Betriebswirtschaftslehre ''Public & Nonprofit Management'' - Eine Fallstudie. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, 32, 171–182. Abstract (PDF); Volltext
- 2007: Konferenzvortrag. Service Learning als Lehrmethode der Öffentlichen Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Herbsttagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission "Öffentliche Betriebswirtschaftslehre" des VHB e.V., Universität Göttingen
Talent Management
- Spraul, K., Hufnagel, J., Friedrich, C. & Brill, N. (2019). Talents for Key Positions in Organizations: The Sustainability Manager as a Profession. In Yipeng Liu (Hrsg.), Research Handbook of International Talent Management, Edward Elgar, 274-317. Volltext
Wine industry and sustainability
- Spraul, K., Höfert, A. (2021). Governance for sustainability: Patterns of regulation and self-regulation in the German wine industry. Sustainability 13 (6), 3140-3165. doi: 10.3390/su13063140.
- since 01/2023 Deputy member of internal research advisory board, RPTU profile area Sustainable Development and Conservation of Livelihoods
- since 01/2023 Equal Opportunities Officer, Department of Economics, RPTU
- 02/2020-01/2023 Vice Dean, Department of Economics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
- since 06/2020 Steering Committee CIRKLA
- 05/2017 Visiting Academic, Durham University Business School
- 04/2017 Visiting Researcher, University of Padua
- 2016-2019 Adjunct Faculty Member, Mannheim Business School, University of Mannheim
- WS 2015/16 Lecturer, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, Center for Doctoral Studies in Business, University of Mannheim
- since 06/2015 University Professor (W3) for Business Administration, in particular Sustainability Management, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- since 02/2014 elected member of the Faculty Council, Department of Economics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 02/2014-06/2020 Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee for Studies and Teaching, Department of Economics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 09/2013-05/2015 University Professor (W2) for Sustainability Management, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- 03/2012-08/2014 Lecturer at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
- 10/2007-08/2013 Academic councilor (temporary) and habilitation candidate with Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig
- 06/2007-05/2011 Member of the Advisory Board Public-Private Partnership Baden-Württemberg, Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg
- 10/2005-09/2007 Research assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn
- 09/2005 Research Fellow, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise
- 10/2003-10/2005 Research assistant and doctoral student with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn
- 04/2013 Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Mannheim
- 12/2007 Baden-Württemberg Certificate in University Teaching, University Didactics Center of the Universities of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- 07/2006 Doctorate at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Mannheim; dissertation: Return on education as a target variable for university management, degree: Dr. rer. pol., evaluation: summa cum laude, awarded the Prize for Language and Science
- 07/2003 Diploma in Business Administration, University of Mannheim; major fields of study: Public & non-profit management, marketing, partnership and corporate law (very good)
- 1999 Abitur mathematical-scientific Schiller-Gymnasium with music section, Offenburg (1.0)