Business and Technology
Studying at the TUK
An article on the topic that is not to be taken quite so seriously
Are you interested in operational processes such as marketing, controlling, personnel management, financing, organisation, taxes, auditing, logistics or production? Then the Technical University of Kaiserslautern offers you the right course of studies: Business Administration, in short business studies. Or would you like to combine business with technology? At the Technical University of Kaiserslautern this is not an either-or, but a both-and. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration offers you attractive courses of study that build a bridge between the two worlds: business administration with technical qualifications and industrial engineering.
Whether you are a large corporation, a medium-sized company or your own start-up: every company needs business management know-how. How do companies have to operate in an international environment to be economically successful? How must the individual departments work together? How are production, marketing and sales, management and human resources organized? Which basic conditions and governmental requirements have to be considered? How do consumers behave? This is where the classic course of studies in business administration comes in. But people from different fields have always come together in a company. With technological progress and increasingly specialized training, the gap that separates business people from engineers in their ways of thinking has become deeper than ever. In globalised competition, however, the ability to work in a team is crucial for entrepreneurial success. This is why we need employees who are equally familiar with the way engineers and business people think. This is exactly where the interdisciplinary courses of study at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics come in: Whether in industrial engineering or in business administration with technical qualifications - anyone who can build the bridge between business and technology is highly sought after in many industries.
Industrial Engineering and Management
As an interface discipline, the Industrial Engineering and Management course combines economic and technical content on an equal footing.
Students can choose from five independent fields of study ranging from chemistry, electrical engineering, computer science and mechanical engineering to environmental and process engineering. Graduates are usually employed in technical-economic cross-sectional functions, e.g. in project management, quality assurance or sales.
Business administration with technical qualification
Those who would like to supplement a sound economic education with technical content can choose from five technical specializations in the Business Administration with Technical Qualification program. As future graduates they are thus
and graduates are also able to consider technical aspects in economic questions.
Business Administration
For students who wish to concentrate entirely on business studies, the department offers a comprehensive education with the Bachelor of Business Administration, which covers all areas of business administration and economics. Even without direct contact with technical content, students benefit from the interdisciplinary exchange with fellow students that only a Technical University can offer.
Chemie mit Wirtschaftswissenchaften (B.Sc.)
Informatik in Anwendungen (B.Sc.)
Integrative Sozialwissenschaften
All bachelor's degree programmes can be built upon by the corresponding master's degree programme. Bachelor students from Kaiserslautern do not need to apply for the Master's course, they can simply apply for admission!
What do you need to bear in mind when studying?
Business Administration with technical Qualification
Industrial Engineering and Management