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New at the RPTU?

Information for first semester students

Dear First Semester Students,

The Department of Business and Economics would like to welcome you. In the coming days and weeks, you will be confronted with many new impressions and many things will seem strange and confusing to you. But don't worry, you will quickly get used to everyday life at the university. To make it easier for you to get started, the RPTU inKaiserslautern and the Department of Business and Economics offer a series of introductory events. A very good way to get a first impression of university life is the preliminary maths course. Whether you are a maths crack or rather the opposite, everyone should take part!

The aim of the pre-course is to bring previous school knowledge into line and, in particular, to provide the mathematical tools that are required early on in the courses outside of mathematics. Find out more about the pre-course in mathematics and how to register on the page of the Department of Mathematics:

to the pre-course in mathematics


A special introductory week for students of business administration, business administration-tQ and industrial engineering programmes is offered by the department under the auspices of the student council with the PROWO. Between the preliminary maths course and the start of lectures, you have the opportunity to get together with your future fellow students. This is often where future friendships begin and it will certainly be easier for you to get to know your new surroundings! Above all, you will receive all the important information about your studies. So be sure to attend the legendary PROWO.

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Information for first-time Master students at the TUK

Coming soon...


When will I receive the notification of admission?

Notifications of admission are processed after receipt. As a rule, admission notices are sent out from mid-July onwards.

Where can I find timetables?

There are no timetables like at school. You compile your own timetable for each semester based on the examination regulations, the study plans and the course catalogue. You will be shown how to compile your timetable during breakfasts with the student council.

What is a study plan?

A study plan is a recommendation on how an average student can distribute the workload (calculated in ECTS credits) on courses in such a way that it can be studied within the standard period of study (as far as possible) without overlaps. The study plan is by no means to be considered binding. Other procedures can and will be developed individually.

Where can I find the course catalogue?

The course catalogue can be found on the websites of the TU and the faculty as HIS (Communication and Information System)
Students then use the KIS-Office [https://office.kis.uni-kl.de]