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Focus Areas

Presentation of the Master Focus Aereas

Due to the current situation in the summer semester 2020, the presentation of the main focus of mastering will be omitted.

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Business and economics focus areas

The main subjects can be chosen freely with few restrictions and offer the possibility to set your own main subjects.

In the Business Administration and Business Administration tQ programmes, a total of 66 ECTS credits are allocated to the three specialisations (in Business Administration tQ, a technical specialisation must be completed), each with 22 credits.

In the Industrial Engineering and Management course, only two specialisation subjects must be completed, each with a reduced scope of 13 points.

Of the 22 or 13 ECTS points, at least 4 points are allotted to a compulsory seminar belonging to the business studies focus

Business and Economics Focus Areas

The focus of this area is the design and management of information and communication systems. Among other things, nature-analogue procedures for logistics problems and the dynamic pricing of service bundles are discussed.


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Controlling is a management support function that bundles information from different divisions and stakeholders and brings it to the decision-making arenas of the company. The module focuses on concepts and instruments as well as their application of controlling.


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The major subject Economic Theory deals with both micro- and macroeconomic topics. This is done by means of mathematical models. The approach is therefore abstract and formal. The courses are mostly held in English.


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In the field of Entrepreneurship, students are confronted with the challenges of entrepreneurial processes.
entrepreneurial processes. They learn to generate ideas with the help of creativity techniques and to transform them into business models.
Empirical and research methods as well as leadership skills are trained in various courses. Furthermore, the handling and preparation of feasibility analyses and business plans are taught and the development and growth processes of companies are illustrated.
The teaching in the entrepreneurship focus is based on both action-oriented implementation and an evidence-based approach.

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This focus area investigates economic structures that are suspected of being behind many environmental and resource problems. Possible solutions will be developed under consideration of a sustainable development.

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Financial Economics is a relatively young field of economics in which the theory of financial markets and the theory of financial institutions are integrated into economic theory. This discipline uses the techniques of general equilibrium theory and combines them with concepts from information economics and contract theory.


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The focus is on management decisions that have a substantial influence on the financial situation of companies. This includes, for example, questions about the optimal capital structure, pricing in mergers or the design of communication with stakeholders. Against the background that such decision-making processes are currently subject to disruptive change, special consideration must be given to how such decisions will be made in the future in a dynamic, globalised and digitalised age.



This focus is no longer continued.

Employees in organisations are unique human resources and are of central importance for the success of the organisation. Therefore it is important to design human resource management and the actions in and of organizations in a responsible and successful way. How this can be achieved, this master thesis illuminates in a theoretical and practical way.


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The development, production and distribution of goods is subject to a number of legal standards, which are both an opportunity and a risk for companies. This module provides basic knowledge of intellectual property, patent and competition law.


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Industrial economics is a branch of economics that deals with the interaction between markets and companies. Central issues are the pricing and innovation activities of companies and the incentives for collusion between companies.  Microeconomic, in particular game theoretical approaches are used as a means to this end.


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Only for WI, from winter term on also for Business students.

Logistics comprises the planning, implementation, and control of all activities and instruments that ensure optimal flows of materials, values, and information along the value chain, reaching from the procurement of information and means of production to the processing, forwarding, and distribution of goods and services and further to the disposal of waste and used goods. The “6 Rs” provide a concise description of the key tasks of logistics: Provide the right quantity, of the right objects (goods, energy, information, persons), at the right place, at the right time, in the right quality, at the right cost.

In the field of specialization, primarily scientific methods for logistics planning are covered. They are not tailored to specific companies or industries. Emphasis is on mathematical models and quantitative methods for the optimization of logistics performance.


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The focus 'Management of Digital Transformation' deals with relevant manifestations and consequences for organizations through digitalization from the perspective of management. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic is particularly noteworthy in order to adopt a holistic view. In addition to the theoretical-conceptual examination, emphasis is placed on the practical application of the contents learned in cooperation with practitioners.


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In market-oriented management, marketing permeates all corporate functions and processes. The focus module deepens the contents known from the bachelor's course, such as market research, industry and service marketing. They are supplemented by projects and business games. rschung, Industrie und Dienstleistungsmarketing. Sie werden durch Projekte und Planspiele ergänzt.


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Production Management is dedicated to supply chain management, logistics, procurement and inventory management as well as production planning and control of goods and services. Furthermore, the focus is on (strategic) innovation management.


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With the leave of Prof. Dr. Frank Hechtner no offer at present.

The focus of this predominantly English-language focus is the strategic management of internationally active companies - with special consideration of ethical and cultural issues, which are gaining in importance due to the increasing networking and globalization of national markets. urch die zunehmende Vernetzung und Globalisierung nationaler Märkte an Bedeutung gewinnen.


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In recent years, the integration of economic, ecological and social sustainability aspects into corporate activities has emerged as a decisive success and competitive factor. Students in this focus area learn to understand the fundamental interrelationships of sustainability on a corporate and macroeconomic level and to develop and implement solution strategies in the interaction of governmental, private and non-profit actors.


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