Quality assurance

Contact us

Dr. Miruna Sarbu

Building 42 Room 136

TPhone : +49 (0) 631 205 3116
E-Mail: studienbuero@wiwi.rptu.de

Quality assurance in teaching and learning

Course evaluations

Due to the interpretation of the Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act by the RPTU data protection officer in Kaiserslautern, the course evaluations are only accessible internally at RPTU.


Study programme evaluations

The School of Business and Economics conducts programme evaluations at regular intervals.


Graduate surveys

Graduate surveys have not yet been conducted.


Course evaluation

Evaluation Wintersemester 2023/2024


Evaluation Sommersemester 2023

Evaluation Wintersemester 2022/2023

Evaluation Sommersemester 2022

Evaluation Wintersemester 2021/2022

Evaluation Sommersemester 2021

Evaluation Wintersemester 2020/2021

Evaluation Sommersemester 2020


Why it is important for students to take part in course evaluations

  • As a student, you have the opportunity to anonymously formulate general suggestions for improving teaching, point out shortcomings or emphasise positive aspects, allowing every student to actively influence the course to a certain extent.
  • Subjective feelings such as satisfaction or dissatisfaction also serve as feedback for a lecturer. All feedback is used to improve teaching and constructive (positive/negative) feedback can be used to identify points for improvement.
  • In the course of quality assurance, the teaching of subsequent generations can thus be influenced and, in the best case, continuously improved. Discussing the results of such a course survey internally or externally serves as a basis for the continuous improvement and adaptation of courses.
  • Each completed course evaluation reflects a different view of the course. Every student has different requirements for an instructive course. Many different opinions can be used to construct a broad picture of the course.
  • Not only students benefit from active participation in evaluations, but also academic staff, who are significantly involved in the success of an event. For the career of every member of staff, event surveys are representative of weaknesses and strengths in teaching.
  • Curricular improvements can also be realised on the basis of the survey results and thus actively serve the development of the degree programme.
  • Some lecturers use the results not only for internal dialogue, but also for direct discussions with students to exchange ideas and identify weaknesses and strengths of the course.

Trendence Survey 2023 (only accessible with rhrk password)

Unfortunately, too few business students took part, so that no selection was made.


Excel files for download:

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (A090302uk stands for WI)

Strengths and weaknesses: WI and BWL comments

Study programme evaluation

Why it is important to take part in the programme evaluations as a student

  • It is not only the course surveys, which provide an insight into the individual courses, that are important; the programme evaluations also serve as a representative reflection of the students' own experiences during their studies.
  • External rankings provide prospective students with a comprehensive insight into the relevant degree programme and enable them to select a suitable university on the basis of this information.

  • The experiences of other students can be transferred to your own wishes and requirements for the degree programme and in this way help prospective students to find the right degree programme.

  • Not only does the interest group of students or first-year students benefit from each individual opinion, but ministries or employers can also gain a comprehensive insight into the degree programme completed.

2020: Study programme evaluations as part of the reaccreditation process

Externe Evaluationen/Rankings

CHE: Master's degree programmes 2023



Regional press release from CHE

Trendence: annually since 2008 (see trendence for latest analysis)

Wirtschaftswoche: annually

Prospective Students
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